Author Topic: Need surgery, whos the guy for the job?  (Read 3586 times)

Offline Ihatesummer

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Hi, i've finally accepted that my chest will never look normal no matter how much i exercise. I've reduced my bf% to <10 and my weight is fine. So basically i'm gonna have to fork out and pay for surgery.

Just a few questions;

Whos the best doctor for the job?
Whats the waiting list length?
How long will i be out of action for? - work etc
Will there be scaring or signs of an operation?
Am i likely to have to go in for further doses of surgery after the initial op?

Thanks to anyone who can help with any of these questions. 

Offline Toffer

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Where do you live, and are you trying to get it through the NHS?

Offline Ihatesummer

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I live in the east midlands but am willing to travel (not really abroad), Ideally through the NHS but i'm a bit sceptical as to their standards and as i understand the waiting list is very long. Thanks for the reply!

Offline TommyA

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Levick in Birmingham
Karidis in London

Seem to be the most talked about private surgeons on this board they use different techniques. I would recommend getting consultation with both of them

Offline Ihatesummer

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Can anyone shed any light onto my other questions or does it entirely depend on the case etc?

All feedback is muchly appreciated!

Offline Ihatesummer

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Thanks for your help, I'm actually looking forward to being normal for once! Just a little scared and nervous too! The more questions answered the more comfortable i feel :)

Thanks guys

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Hi, i've finally accepted that my chest will never look normal no matter how much i exercise. I've reduced my bf% to <10 and my weight is fine. So basically i'm gonna have to fork out and pay for surgery.

Just a few questions;

Whos the best doctor for the job?
Whats the waiting list length?
How long will i be out of action for? - work etc
Will there be scaring or signs of an operation?
Am i likely to have to go in for further doses of surgery after the initial op?

Thanks to anyone who can help with any of these questions. 


I suggest you will get a good idea of what to expect from surgery from Levick and Karadis if you have a good read of posts in the Diary Section of this site and also the UK section.  Several of Paul Levicks patients have done very detailed threads in the Diary section from the initial consultation, through the surgery itself and onto several months post op.  I seem to recall seeing at least one similar thread from a patient of Karadis.  I have been visiting these boards for about 3 years now and it seems to me that these 2 surgeons are probably the most experienced in doing this procedure in the UK.

Paul Levick removes the fat and gland by making 2 small incisions at the crease in the skin at the front of each armpit and then using a long canula to go into the chest.  The scars are about 1 cm long and fade within a couple of months.  I see the advantage of this method being the tiny scars that will be hidden in the natural creases of the skin.

I understand Karadis uses the more traditional method of a semi circular incision under each areola to remove the gland and another small incision somewhere in the breast to liposuction out any fat.

I think each method has its merits and it’s really down to the patient to do his research and make up his own mind by getting consultations with at least 2 experienced plastic surgeons.

Anyway it’s early days so have a good read on here and I think that will answer 95% of your questions.  After that feel free to ask any of us anything you like.  We are here to help.   :)

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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