Author Topic: Dr Brown Richmond Vancouver. pics  (Read 6014 times)

Offline guistar

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   There isnt a lot of buzz about any doctors in BC on the forum.  A couple people mentioned Dr Brown and were happy so I went for the consult and had surgery a few day's ago.  This is the only Doctor that gave me a price under $4000 in BC and I can't imagine the results being any better. It turned out much better then I expected.  I was a little nervous that he said he didnt think he would need to do excision but he knows what he's doing.  In my case I had some hard tissue spread around but I didnt have that ball under the nipple thing some people say. Dr Brown is just concerned with making your chest look good and Lipo vs excision are beside the point.  He does excision all the time when needed. The staff is great and the surgery was a breeze. I have barely any bruising except for on the sides but thats already going away. I'm glad I don't have huge nipple scars to worry about.  I still have swelling but it's going down.  I wont be able to tell for sure how well the nipples look until the swelling goes down and the skin tightens up but even if it stays the way it is now I'm happy.
 The consult was $100 which is refunded the day of surgery which can all happen within a month or 2 so there's no long wait times. Altogether it probably cost me about $3200 which is probably cheaper then flying to Toronto.
  The pics arent the best but I dont have a great camera. I'll post a better post op when the swelling goes down.

5 Day's post op


9 Months Post Op.   Doctor ended up doing lipo only.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 09:28:53 AM by guistar »

Offline mecca_00

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nice results, congrats on getting it done.
can i ask: although you didn't have a "ball" underneath the nipple, did you suffer from "puffy nipples",
if you had any centralized masses of the gland, are they gone/removed? or too soon to tell?

Offline guistar

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It's a little soon to tell.  I didn't have "puffy" nipples but when relaxed they came to a point (when it was hot out). There was a donut of hard tissue around the nipple on my left side. The hard tissue on the right was more broken up. On the left it seemed like all one piece. I can't tell with the swelling really but it feels like if there is anything left it's just tiny remnants that wont cause any problems. There is a lot of swelling under the nipples now and under the armpits.

Offline guistar

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  Just thought I'd update a bit. I'm about 2 months post op and things are looking good.  It doesnt look amazing right now but I'm pretty sure I still have swelling. They kind of look a little weird and droopy but if I massage or anything I'll notice that things will get worse looking and go numb so obviously I still have some healing to do. Definetly a big improvement though.  The Doctor said it would take 4 months to see the end result.  He said he took a more then usual amount out so I guess I have a lot of tightening to do.
   Does anyone recall any changes at least 2 months afer the surgery? Just wondering what I can expect.

Offline guistar

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  Hey no problem. I thought I'd probably never come back here once I had the surgery but I have just as many questions now as I did before.   Like how long until I can jog without pain?  Thats where I really notice how much healing I still have to do.

Offline manwithnoname

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Hey, thanks for the account. I saw him too, and his quote was somewhere around 3200 as well. I also recently saw a Dr. Kerluke in North Vancouver, and when I have time I will write an account of my experience with the consult. My main question, after years of reading this board is:

Why do the more expensive Dr's always say they do not need to do excision, and can correct it with lipo alone?

This seems pretty consistant even when talking accross different provinces. If someone can answer me this defnitively it may help me ease th efrusteration of trying to make a decision about this stuff. It feels so much like each guy is trying to sell you on his own method, its really frusterating at this point.

OH, and Kerluke's estimate for just lipo was 6000, most outrageous one so far. I must say though, he seemed like the most personable guy so far, nice office, reassuring etc. Guess that is what you get for the extra 2800....

Offline guistar

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   It does seem like some surgeons want to avoid excision.  I was really suprised at how much of the hard tissue Dr Brown got out with lipo alone. Now that I've had the surgery though I'm glad I don't have the nipple scars. I've been going to the beach all summer and the lipo scars are small enough that I'm not too self conscious about it.  Right now I'm still swollen below the nipples and underneath so I can't really say if I need revision or not.  If things don't tighten up I'll be a little pissed since that's what I was worried would happen from the beginning but the flip side is that Doctor Brown did a nice clean symmetrical job and I didnt have to wait long.  Going to a skilled surgeon and needing a revision is a lot better then going to an O.K. surgeon and ending up with huge scars everywhere and massive bruising.

Offline tripsz

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Offline j-norm

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Im Thinking about going to see Dr. Brown as well.

Do you know his first name? Did you have to go see your family doctor first? Or was it straight to him? I heard BC Med would cover the surgery, or at least most of it, any truth to this?


Offline guistar

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I'm going to have to update. Enough time has gone by and this is pretty much how it'll look unless I get revision.  I'm going to post some pics and you guy's can tell me what you think. Honest opinions please.  Dr Brown is very happy with the outcome.

Offline guistar

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 I added the pics to the top post.   I didn't really feels the "balls" of gland before the surgery, just a lot of breast tissue,  but now they are definitely there.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 12:20:43 AM by guistar »


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