Author Topic: After surgery Scar tissue - how long to go away?  (Read 7777 times)

Offline Blac

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So I had gynecomastia surgery about 5-6weeks ago, I am wondering how long before the Scar tissue will go away. Because the scar tissue on the left side is pretty bad and actually makes my nipple kind of poke out at the bottom of the nipple on 1 side. The other isnt nearly as bad. Is this normal?

Offline tricat13

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i think it is normal.  My right side has much more scar tissue (i think) than the left.  I heard if you just give it time, it will go away.  Good luck


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Im 2 months post op and have scar tissue n my left handside. Makes the leftside of the nipple slightly bigger. You cant really notice it but obviously Im in my body so can tell its their.

When I go to sleep with my compression vest on .. in the morning its generally gone. As soon as 2 hours have passed after removing the vest it returns!!


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I have scar tissue around 1inch under my aereola on the left handside ... it subsides overnight when I sleep with my compression vest as soon as I remove it within 2 hours during the next day its their again, a solid piece of scar tissue which I can feel.

BECAUSE it dissapears over night, and re-appears as my day goes on, do you think it will eventually fully dissapear or do you think i'll need scar excision??? Its not really noticeable, but I can feel its their.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2007, 09:24:14 AM by cleanup »

Offline Fat-Elvis

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Are those kinds of scars (inner post-op scars) usually visible, or just noticeable by touch?


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Offline Fat-Elvis

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Oh ok, cool, I'm not as concerned with that.

Offline jumpman23

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i dunno guys i think my doc is bs-ing me. I had excision + lipo done about 8 months ago and my nips are still puffy. I feel some hardness or tissue directly under the nipples about the size of a dime. It's hard and is pushing out the nip, but is completely painless even if i squeeze the hell outta it. I wasn't really overweight or anything so my chest looks almost the same as it did before surgery

i have a feeling he left some gland in there and it's not scar tissue because it's looked like this from day 1. anyone encountered something like this too? He claims it's scar tissue and people heal at different levels...he has a 1 year correction policy so hopefully i'm not being scammed to wait the 1 year period. I've been patient for 8 i'm losing it esp after paying a premium for his "top quality" service.

how do we even know the difference between gland and scar tissue? anyone? do you guys think 8 months is more than enough for it to settle down? do you guys think i've waited long enough to finally lay the smack down on this doc?

Offline jumpman23

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i agree, but i would've thought more gland would be removed to atleast give the nips a flatter look. As it is now, it's basically identical to how it was before the end of the day, we shouldn't worry about our nips puffing out when wearing a t-shirt. If they puff out, then clearly something ain't right  :-\


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