Author Topic: Marijuana and Gyno  (Read 2532 times)

Offline bennj51189

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I was wondering if anyone knew that if marijuana was most likely the cause of gyno in your specific case if stopping the us of marijuana will  reduce or negate having the condition of gyno. Also, I have heard that the reason why marijuana causes gyno is because it raises your estrogen levels so i was wondering if it could be treated the same way as a case of gyno due to hormone imbalances.


Offline gyne35

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All through grade school and high school, I never used it - still had a moderate / severe case of gyne.  Know several people that did use it and never knew any of them to have even the slightest hint of gyne.  I took a few tokes now and then through college and it never made anything worse, plus everyone I knew smoking in college never seemed to develop any trace of gyne. 

I think with all the misinformation and flat out lies concerning MJ out there, if there is a "study" linking MJ and gyne, it is probably sketchy at best and pure junk science at worst.  Heck, one day eggs are good for your health, next day bad for cholesterol.  One day coffee is bad, next caffeine keeps your brain milk is good for you, then it's bad.  And these are mainstream "staple" foods that most people eat every can hardly get a good, clear report on them, much less some [sarcasm] terribly insidious schedule 1 narcotic that lures you into a life of terrorism, rape and murder [/sarcasm]

The worst part is probably if you get into some weed that really gets you 'stoned' as opposed to 'high' and spend your time on the couch narfing down pizza - you might tend to put on a few extra pounds which could lead to a little extra boobage.

Just my .02


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