Author Topic: Your opinion (Now with Pre-Op and Post-Op pictures) #Updated 12.5.2008  (Read 8659 times)

Offline Finnish_dude

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Well. Since it's been a while from the operation, I thought you might like to see some pictures.

Pre-Op (End of August 2007)

Following pictures are taken in a short time as Pre-Op and Post-op after 1 day of the operation

Offline Finnish_dude

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Post-op 7 days
Little a bit bruise, but no mater. Still extremely happy on the results, eventhough it's only a week from the operation.

I would be delighted if you give comments about result.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 07:33:05 AM by Finnish_dude »

Offline what2do?

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great results, huge difference from pre and post op.. looks like mostly gland was taken out, or did you get lipo as well ? just curious because there's hardly any bruising ..congrats

Offline Finnish_dude

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Only glands were removed, but there is a backdoor for second operation with lippo if there is a need to do it.

Offline BullsEye

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Finnish_dude, mainiolta näyttää.. siis tehtiinkö sun leikkaus Suomessa vai ulkomailla?

Offline Finnish_dude

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Finnish_dude, mainiolta näyttää.. siis tehtiinkö sun leikkaus Suomessa vai ulkomailla?
Kotimaassa  :)

Offline BullsEye

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Kuinka kauan kesti ennen kuin sua kutsuttiin leikkaukseen? mä oon täällä englannissa ja oottelemassa kutsua kirurgilta 8)


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