Author Topic: 3 months post surgery.... re-assurance  (Read 3923 times)

Offline Koi

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Hi, I kinda know the answer to this already...  just looking for a bit of re-assurance I get!!

Had my surgery back in May...  Initially had a completely flat chest....

Since then, I've got some swelling round the chest area again...  Just find myself getting paranoid that it's coming back!!!

Deep down, I know it takes up to about a year for things to settle down - I've read it loads of times on here plus Mr Levick told me that it takes up to a year for it to settle down...

So, I know all of this - but still wouldn't mind a bit of re-assurance from someone who's been through the same!

I know it's loads better than it was - I can defintely wear tight t-shirts now and it's not noticeablut with my short off, I'm still looking a bit mooby!!!

Got back into the training as soon as I could after the op...  maybe weights have just added tot he swelling a bit...  I dunno..

Just after someone telling me they've been through the same to put my mind at rest I guess!!  Help!

Offline steve21

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I dont think you need to worry. There are so many threads on here with people saying its taken at least 6 months for their final result. One that springs to mind is Orribles. He got a great result but it did take 9 months iirc.

I am a few weeks post op myself and swelling is still evident (as you would expect). I wouldnt worry until at least 6 months has passed. Just need to be patient.

Offline outertrial

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I think you answered your own question there OP! Worrying about your chest post op is perfectly normal.

Offline bfg2000

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Hi Koi
I had my surgery with Levick in Feb 07 and as you, had a flat chest, then started to fill out at about 6 weeks. I think that some people fill out, redistrubute fat, build up fluid than more people, or it could be that Levick was more cautious, removing less than more. In my case, Levick has agreed to do revision in November (9 months) as part of the 12 months "parts-&-labour" guarantee.

I'm sure that when you see him at your 6 month check up, all will be revealed, you may even improve before then. Good luck with it all.

Offline Koi

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Cheers guys...  Kinda knew it all ready, but nice to have re-assurance from people that have already been there!!

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
im 11 months post op and i can tell you its been a rollercoaster
some days i was 100% happy
other days 20% happy
other days 50% happy

but at 11 months im 95% happy but really dont want to risk having another op to get the last 5%
the end of the day i can confidently sunbathe topless and feel confident that nobody is staring at me.
and after 30 odd years of being stared at for the wrong reasons im now a happy chap :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity


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Im like 3 weeks post op now ... been having my ups and downs, but the fact of the matter is, as Levick told us both, a YEAR later is when we will see FINAL results, after the skin has stretched, and everything has filled up etc.

Im not weight lifting or anything and just sticking to CV excercising for a good 6 months before I consider touching weights that target the chest area just to be on the safe side.

Offline Johnny Wishbone

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Not Fedup -

I've been a lurker here for AGES and regularly check in. I had my surgery a week before you in Slubice.  Don't take this the wrong way but I have always been found your enthusiam for the Polish results to be ott - if you hadn't posted piccies I could have believed you worked there.  I would have expected serious results from a hardcore exercise programme, iirc you have been working out since?

Now you say you are 95% happy but are not inclined to go back.  I firmly believe Baranski's methods are sound, however, he is too cautious.  Leaving the disc of gland is possibly the problem, and too little lipo (is is for me anyway).  Obviously better to take too little than too much  (like some of Levick's hack jobs)

I woold be curious to know what it is that has changed your tune from being 'completely over the moon'. I'm not having a go, just this is a support/info forum and at times I have found your comments misleading from my first hand experience.  Obviously all we want is for any sufferers to have the most informed and accurate opinion.   

Offline Johnny Wishbone

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Koi - the swelling WILL reduce substantially over the next year. 

I think messages conveyed here are along the lines of 'had surgery, problem sorted', unfortunately that isn't always the case. I had niggles after a couple of months that are not completely addressed almost a year on BUT I know the chances of the gland growing back are very very very slim. I try to be realistic (which some people view as negative).  It's the waiting game for you I'm afraid, but obviously exercise/weights will help you build the chest you are deserve.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
right johnny its like this

im 2000% satisfied with the result
as when i started out looking into having the op done i waqs only looking for improvement.
The thing is when it becomes an obsession you try to go for 100% perfection
Nobody has identical sides to their chest and if they look directly down they can see that one side is slightly different to the other
be it size, shape or hair coverage etc.
When i look in a mirror i look great.
when i look down i see the left side is very very slightly different to the right.
I know its just me being a picky sod and that 5% is in my head.
My wife says im imagining it and that my chest looks great.
Im not working out at all apart from watching what i eat and the odd swimming sessions.
I really would feel a fool going back to Poland and saying sort this and Dr Baranski saying "sort what"   ::)
Id hate to go back and him have a go and take too much and leave me wishing i hadnt bothered.
So from now on im more than happy with the overall result and all i need to do is get my head around it :)
People who are looking to get the op done that have bad cases of gynecomastia should be out there looking for improvement because at the end of the day that is what your looking for.
Perfection then can come after that but dont let it rule your life.
Live life to the full like a PAL dog and get rid of the moobs and enjoy your life.
And remember patience is the best policy.
ive still got a couple of months of healing to go yet so who knows  ;D


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