Author Topic: Peru $800, New photos, pre-op, and day 2, 7, 11 and 19 after the surgery.  (Read 16667 times)

Offline BigLouJr

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They all hold the same degree and are the same, just different language. Medicine does not change from country to country, the human body is the same everywhere you go. Same type of excision, same removal of glands, same tools, same stitches, same medicine for anesthesia, same scapels, etc. The only thing that is different is the price and the language.

Offline want2go2beach

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what about cleanliness, and sterilization procedures?

Offline speck3

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If that's the case why don't you look at the cost for getting it done in Iraq or China. Let me tell you something getting an MD degree is different in the US than say in Russia. Standards are different technology is different. Too me I am not going to risk my life getting surgery in another country just so I can save some money. Bottom line after the surgery my odds are better to walk out after the surgery is done  than in another country.

Offline speck3

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If you believe medical technology is as advanced in other countries than the US and you been watching to many Sicko movies. The majority of pharma, medical device and diagnostics companies are all located in the US. The only other county I would consider getting surgery would be Switzerland. They too are very advanced when it comes to medical technology. I agree though I am sure doctors are as competent in other countries but I prefer to have a competent doctor with the lasted in advanced medical technology.

Offline speck3

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Then what would be helpful is to name the 2 doctors that didn't perform a thorough procedure. Why would you not let us know so we do not experience the same results. That would be most helpful.

Offline Superfred

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The second post by BigLouJr sounds a little fishy to me only because it is a duplicate post from his first post.
BigLouJr could be the doctor from Peru posting to get business. I question the legitimacy of BigLouJr??? :-\

Offline BigLouJr

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The only reason that I used a duplicate from the first one is because is easier to put all of the 6 pictures in the same group. Or else you would have to go back and forth to compare them. Listen, look at my profile. I have been a member of this forum since my first surgery in 2003. Have posted several messages when I did my first surgery and after it. I think I even posted photos back then, do not recall exactly. Anyways, like I said earlier, I am very happy with the results and do not really need to be here showing anyone my chest so they can see the differences.

As of matter of fact, I am no longer going to post any more photos here or try to help anyone with the lack of funds finding a way to get the results without spending over $ 5,000 dollars. If a moderator reads this, please advise the city and state of my IP address just for the record but do not divulge any additional information, (the big apple).

To those of you that are on a budget, good luck and make the rich physicians richer.

Offline Superfred

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The only reason that I used a duplicate from the first one is because is easier to put all of the 6 pictures in the same group. Or else you would have to go back and forth to compare them. Listen, look at my profile. I have been a member of this forum since my first surgery in 2003. Have posted several messages when I did my first surgery and after it. I think I even posted photos back then, do not recall exactly. Anyways, like I said earlier, I am very happy with the results and do not really need to be here showing anyone my chest so they can see the differences.

As of matter of fact, I am no longer going to post any more photos here or try to help anyone with the lack of funds finding a way to get the results without spending over $ 5,000 dollars. If a moderator reads this, please advise the city and state of my IP address just for the record but do not divulge any additional information, (the big apple).

To those of you that are on a budget, good luck and make the rich physicians richer.
Sorry BigLou, ya just never know who is who on the net. I could be Bill Clinton for all ya know. haha, just kidding...
I can't afford 5/6k for surgery and I was considering going to Peru as well. You are really happy?

Offline outertrial

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If you believe medical technology is as advanced in other countries than the US and you been watching to many Sicko movies. The majority of pharma, medical device and diagnostics companies are all located in the US. The only other county I would consider getting surgery would be Switzerland. They too are very advanced when it comes to medical technology. I agree though I am sure doctors are as competent in other countries but I prefer to have a competent doctor with the lasted in advanced medical technology.

Do you have any sources to back this up or is it just what came out of your head; what on earth did you read to come up with Switzerland as your only alternative by the way?

Offline BigLouJr

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I first asked how can someone be so ignorant but then I realized that we need people like that to maintain the labor pool of our country. Like I said earlier, US might be technologically advanced since some of the biggest companies are located here with branches on every continent. Yet, most of the bigger companies are overseas but with branches in the United States. It does not matter where the technology evolves or is design but most countries have the money to buy the product anyways.

Here is a key point about US, we depend on import. If China, a communist country, decided not to trade with us we would be in major trouble. If you do not believe me, just check where your cell phone, your plates, or your tools were made. The point that I am making is that medical technology is available to every country, even Cuba, another communist country via the trade market.

Now that you mentioned that you will not do a gyne surgery overseas because advancement in medical technology in the US, tell me one thing, what tools do they use in the US that is not available in other countries.

Here are the tools needed for gyno surgery:

Scalpel --                    available in every country in the world, even IRAQ.
Anesthesia medicine --  available in every country in the world, even IRAQ and cheaper than in US
Iodine-----                  available in every country, and cheaper than in US.
Bandages---                available in every country.
Stitches-----               all types available in every country, including IRAQ.
Steri strips----             also available
Liposuction equipment-- also available in very country, including IRAQ.
surgical bed and lights-- available
medical gloves--------- also available
Oxygen equipment for intubation due to general anesthesia---- available in every country in the world.[/b]

What other equipment am I missing that is needed for gyno surgery? I am sure that what ever it is, it is also available in any other country. SO please, refrain from being so ignorant and learn a little. The US is not the best one when it comes to public health or the public health care system. Not every US doctor is the best qualified individual, whether a foreign or a domestic graduate.

Offline speck3

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Yes I am ignorant and you are correct people should go to Peru and same money and get this done there. They may want to look into Cuba as well. BTW if there are any complications guess what you can fly back to Peru and go to one of their great hospitals. And  if on a rare chance their is complication during this procedure you got a Hospital in Peru that will be waitng for you in open arms. I did notice that in one of your pictures they put your tissue right smack on the blue cloth as opposed to a in a sterile solution so they can send to a lab. Oh did we forget that part also. Did your Peru doctor send the tissue to a Pathology Lab. Oh yes  in Peru they have the latest when it comes to Histology, and Immunohistochemisty. I also understand they are known for their outstanding Hematapatholgists. I'm surprised I didn't see a fly swirling around on that tissue on the blue cloth. But then again what do I know I am ignorant and as you said I can used in the low cost minimal wage labor pool.

Offline speck3

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Oh and let's not forget the precautions when you go to Peru.
Health - Preparations before you travel

If thorough precautions are taken by the visitor ofPeru, there is no reason why you shouldn't remain as healthy as at home.

1. Before you travel make sure that you own a good medical insurance. If you plan to undertake 'adventurous activities' such as rafting, horse riding or paragliding, make sure that your policy covers all of the above. You may have to pay a small amount for this.

2. For advice on which immunizations you require we recommend that you try contacting a specialist travel clinic (at least 6 weeks prior yourtravel).

Although not strictly necessary, you should consider the following vaccinations:

Yellow Fever (if going to the jungle)


Hepatitis A

Malaria prophylaxis are also recommended for the jungle, although nearly all of the jungle lodges in the Madre de Dios/Tambopata areas and Manu National Park state that there have been no reported cases of malaria, and that taking anti-malaria tablets are optional.

Health - Tips on staying healthy while traveling

The most common problem encountered by the traveler in Peru is diarrhea (between 30 to 50% of the travelers in a 2 week stay experience this) but the majority of these upsets will be relatively minor. Don't become paranoid; trying the local food is part of the experience of travel.

Tab water in Peru is not safe to drink. Always purify the water first by boiling it or adding purification tablets such as Micropure which can be easily bought in most pharmacies throughout Peru (make sure that you understand the instructions before using them). Bottled mineral water is easily availableanywhere.

Offline speck3

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No actually as you see it all Americans should get surgical procedures done in Peru just so they can save money. If they come down with malaria, diarrhea  or hepatitis what difference does it make the bottom line is they still save money.

Offline speck3

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Get off your propaganda high horse too bud. Maybe you should watch sicko one more time.
At least the US posts statistics like this. One can only imagine what goes on in other countries. Why, well because they don't post statistics. Why should they. They don't have to or is they don't want to or is it they wouldn't know how to do it if they were asked to.

Infectious Diseases and Medical Concerns for Peru

The following medical diseases or health concerns are more common in travel to Peru (compared to the USA and other areas of the Western World):

    * travelers’ diarrhea
    * cholera
    * malaria
    * Escherichia coli diarrhea
    * hepatitis A
    * schistosomiasis - found in fresh water
    * typhoid fever
    * Insect born diseases
    * parasitic diseases
    * Dengue fever
    * filariasis
    * leishmaniasis
    * onchocerciasis
    * American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease)
    * toxoplasmosis
    * HIV
    * AIDS
    * hepatitis B
    * Tuberculosis
    * Brucellosis - avoid unpasteurized dairy products
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 02:09:26 PM by speck3 »

Offline BigLouJr

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Speck3, you are an ignorant and do not get offended, it is not a bad thing since it only means that you just do not know. I am very ignorant to many things in life but I also know enough common sense to make proper decisions. When people move from place to place, they tend to get diarrhea since the body is not acustom to the same level of minerals and bacterias but it will go away. This could only happen if you drink water or liquids that are not filtered at the same level the body is acustom to. Once this phase takes place then you go back to normal.

Malaria is actually seen in every country, some with more incidents than others and it does occur here in the US also. All of the other diseases can be found also in the US, or do you think that we are disease free? Actually, we have the highest levels of heart diseases in the whole world. How about that? Highest levell of ecoli diseases, and a new tubercolosis disease was also found here in the almighty USA.

In my case, since I had three previous surgeries and the glands were sent to the labs (mandated by law) and with negative results, I told the doctor not to even bother sending them and to place them on the sterile sheet so I can take photos. WIthout the photos, many of the readers would have never seen such a large glands and tell the difference from fat since they are different colors. It was not that they do not have labs, actually, my blood work results were ready within 3 hours (fo only $17 USD). I do not see that happening in the US.

Out of those listed diseases, how many of them you do not see in the US? Actually, we have them all and with a highest level of AIDS. Is not a propaganda, is a fact that medicine is cheaper abroad, whether you go to Peru, Cuba or even Mexico.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 02:16:17 PM by BigLouJr »


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