I must disagree, I am not insulting Speck3 nor the USA but merely disagreeing. I love this country, though I was born in another country and a US citizen now. In my native country, I almost die at the age of 2 months. My body rejected my own blood and different new types were given to me in hope of acceptance, this took place three times. I almost die when they finally gave me a blood that is very hard to find and it helps every other types of blood, yet is a very unique blood. Ever since my third transfussion, I have never been sick. My native country is Cuba and do you how much money it costed my parents to keep me in the hospital for 6 months, hundreds of exams, and three general blood transfussions without insurance (none in Cuba)? ZERO money, yes it is true, ZERO.
Now, how much you think your insurance would had pay for the same treatment here in the US and how much would your parents had to pay if it happened to you? A lot of money.
Cuba, at the time and it still is a third world country, where even medicine is scarce. The only medical health care system in the US that is free is in the military which I did enjoyed when I was in the Army, however, those doctors are not even board certified since it is not required unless you work within the territory of a state and not the military (federal territory and do not abide by state laws).
Now Speck3, here are some clues for you.
Hepatitis A is very common and it has a cure. It is very frequently seeing here in the US; however, Hepatitis C is more common in the US and is not cureable. If we had jungles in the US, do you think we would not have diseases too? Go to the desert and do not take water, see what happens when you get stranded. Same thing with the jungle, but that could happen in any jungle which we do not have (real jungle). What about poison ivy,we have that a lot and you dont see that in Iraq, they have almost no trees or plants since it is all desert. What I am saying is that many diseases come with its territory and geography and it has nothing to do with the government within that region or its health care system.
In the USA, we do not have preventive medicine nor do doctors try to have such things, all they care about is getting your insurance to pay their rate for services rendered. Preventive medicine cost a lot of money with little rewards for the physicians.
According to Speck's idea, if you are not living in the US, you are not healthy which is incorrect. Many countries with less medical technology have a lower infant mortality, healthier citizens, and longer life expetancy. If you do not believe it, compare by using the CIA Fact Book online and look for any european country; comparison should be done with the US.
The bottom line is, although this country has very good freedom laws, it lacks of a non-profit good health systems for its citizens. Imagine, all doctors get pay by the feds, all of the hospital and clinics are paid by the feds, all medical exams are paid by the feds and all you have to do is pay your taxes at the end of the year. No more insurance, go and see a doctor whenever you want. Gynecomastia free, grastric by-pass free, etc. It would never happen because of factions.