Author Topic: Thinking about finally doing it.  (Read 2801 times)

Offline Porcupine_tree

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I've had gyne for about 8 years now and I really want to get it fixed. The problem is that doctors here in montreal don't know what the hell gynecomastia is. I've seen 2 or 3 since I started developing gyne and the answers ranged from 'it's puberty' to 'everyone is different.' I was looking on the main page where it said that the only doctor in Canada was a frank in ontario. Should I call this toll free number and ask about what steps to take? I don't have a family doctor here and have no idea how to get one and even if I did I doubt he'd know it was called gynecomastia and tell me how to get it fixed. Should I try anyways? I have alot of other medical problems I have to get checked out so I might aswell go. I just spent ALOT of money on a new car so I'm worried about how much the surgery would cost. Can anyone give me an estimate if I was to go with the doctor in ontario? I really want to get this fixed but I have no idea where to start.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You can contact a Plastic Surgeon directly. You do not need to see a GP prior to seeing a PS. Just call the office of your chosen PS and arrange for a consultation for Gynecomastia.

The Ontario PS that is on the main page is Dr. Frank Lista in Mississauga, Ontario. His fee is approx $5000 for GRS. The PS that I chose is Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto Ontario, his fee is approx the same as Dr. Lista. Both PS's have excellent credentials.

All Canadian residents, with the exception of Quebec residents (unfortunately), who have GRS done by Dr. Fielding can have their surgery partially subsidized by government health care. Government health care pays for all except Lipo. Liposuction is considered a 'cosmetic' procedure and therefore Insurance Companies will not pay out for a cosmetic procedure. However, you living in Montreal are probably a Quebec resident, and therefore this will not apply to you.

What type of gynecomastia do you have? Puffy nipples or is it more of a full breast?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Porcupine_tree

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I have really puffy nipples. 5000$ is way too much for me to pay right now. I was thinking around 2 grand I would do even though it is ALOT of money. I have an appointment with a gp in november so I'll see what he has to say about it. How much would the procedure cost if health care took care of it like you were saying?

Offline brebguy

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hey buddy, i'm from montreal too, and i paid my surgery 2675$ so... not that expensive... i think Fieding is probably the most afordable surgeon you can find.

good luck.
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007


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