Author Topic: Hello and my Story  (Read 3654 times)

Offline NateP

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Hi all

Just thought I would introduce myself.  I'm 22, 15% bodyfat 175lbs with a case of gyno i was diagnosed with @ 14 or so.  The doctor walked in after a routine checkup, and asked if I had been doing roids, pot, drinking all of which I had never touched.  My estrogen was out of whack and I started developing breasts, much like a womans, but not saggy, just like someone inflated my pecs with fat.  I always used work as an excuse to get out of anywhere I would needed to take my shirt off.  I took alot of shit having them in highschool as I did wrestling and started playing padiddle with girls (sigh).  My back might have developed a natural arch to lesson the affects, but im working on my posture to correct it.

Anywho, I just started working out again, hopefully going to focus on the chest as well as cardio.  Started to take some martial arts as I have become a huge UFC fan. 

Don't feel so alone now, I always figured the world has attractive people so it needs ugly ones.  Guess I'm just doing my part.


Offline want2go2beach

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don't get down on yourself, you shouldn't say your ugly.  youve come to a good place, and good luck with your exercise.  if you have gland tissue, exercise will not work though.

Offline NateP

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I don't think I'm being down on myself, just honost. 

Is there any way to tell if its gland tissue vs fat?


Offline Dul11246

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If it is a gland, youll be able to feel it under your nipple.  The differ in size, it could be the size of a pea to the size of an actual breast.  But it feels much harder than normal fat tissue.

Offline NateP

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It feels like fat, but we'll see.  I may go see a doctor and see what he/her thinks.

Offline lenewyorkais

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Nate---I love u, man. we all love u.  we r all bro's in suffering.  We have all been victims of the worst kind of undeserved ridicule that a man can handle.  Nate, I was ugly with breasts, but at least now I am ugly without 'em.  Surgery was the best decision of my life, but when I read this site, I learn that surgery is not always so successful.   I still say go for the surgery.  I got about 80% relief, but I would have settled for 50% just to get out of the freak zone.  Nate, in life we all must learn to live with what we must, but I feel that if relief is offered, any relief, we should go for it. Nate, whatever u decide to do, I am with u.   


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