Author Topic: UNFORTUNATE Update 2-27-08  (Read 8828 times)

Offline NorCALSpeed

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well the day has come and gone. After less than a year of finding this site, and realizing surgery was the only option, the deed is done. I went with Dr. Delgado, per the recommendation of this site, and so far things are great. I have barely any pain, which is almost too good to be true. I have drains in until tuesday, but the amount of fluid has dropped significantly, even though it was minimal to begin with. So far the biggest annoyance is the itchy vest, and missing out on Halloween. But at least it's finally over. I'm not sure how the other guys feel that have gotten surgery, but I keep fearing it will come back, or it isn't all over, etc. Some gland was left, to keep the shape of my pec, otherwise Dr. said I could have a concave shape. But unless I take propecia or do steroids, neither of which are on my to-do list, I should be free and clear. Family has been medium on the support side, dad thinks it's silly and unnecessary, but f*** that :). Told the semi-gf and she said if it's something that bugs me go for it, just hurry home. I'm just counting the days until the drains are pulled (tuesday) and I can finally wash all this goopy vaseline stuff off. yechhh. Im just so glad to join those that have had the procedure, even though recovery will be long-ish. I can't wait to get back in the gym and finally be able to build my body and get cut without worrying about my chest. I got a small peak at my right pec today when Delgado checked my sutures (to get the ok to drive back home) and it's sooo much flatter. And it's swollen too! I thought I would have a similar size pec without the puffy nipple, but apparently I had a good amount of gland that was cut out. I know I'm rambling but I have to fully recommend Delgado, because of this site I never doubted him for a second. And his receptionist is hot btw. For all of you wondering "should I do it?", the answer is yes, just pick a good doctor and you won't look back. Thanks for the advice I got off this site, and the information that got me to go through with it. I can finally enjoy summer, and wearing anything I want. :)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 12:58:47 PM by NorCALSpeed »

Offline technics777

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Awesome stuff... I wanna get my surgery done soon also...

Offline namast

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congrats man,

welcome to freedom. we will soon follow on your footsteps.

Offline NorCALSpeed

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I can give a little update for everyone now. Had my drains taken out today, and it's decently painful. I decided to not take a pre-emptive painkiller, to see how bad it really was. One side was a quick burn, painful but fast. The other the pain was longer, more intense, and was there up till 30 min. ago. The good news is I can FINALLY shower tomorrow morning, and go back to wearing t shirts. I cant wait to get clean and dress notmal again. We'll see how much the vest shows under a black T shirt. I also found out I cant do any strenuous exercise for 4 weeks at least. I thought I could start cardio after 2 weeks but he said at least 4, probably 5, before I see the gym again. Oh well, better safe than sorry. I get my stitches out on tuesday of next week, and after that it's just taking it easy and counting the days till the vest comes off and Im back to working out.

Offline normexcept

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Keep us posted on your continued results over the next few months.

Offline NorCALSpeed

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now that the drains are out i feel like it's just a waiting game. the vest isnt even that uncomfortable, just kind off annoying to wear. It's actually more comfortable on, since movement makes my chest bounce slightly, which of course hurts. Im still very mellow and hanging out around the house. I still have my stitches in, but i already am rid of the horrible puffy nipples! it's also amazing to see how much smaller my chest looks, even though there's still plenty of swelling. itll be 6 months before all swelling is gone, by then ill be back in shape and able to see how it will all look. Ive also lost some muscle mass so that has affected the shape. But it's much smaller and flatter. As far as the lumpy scarring, i haven't gone looking for it yet. i feel it's a bit early to be doing massage, as this would probably hurt. pain is gone though, but a word of advice. if your vest fits tightly, put a LOT of padding near your arm pits where your arms go through. I have fairly prominent scars where the vest actually rubbed through my skin into my lats. im sure theyll go away, but right now as theyre healing back it looks like i got sliced by a wire or something.

Offline Zotos

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Congrats, Norcal! Mine is coming up on Nov. 6. Pretty nervous about it.

Offline mtnman

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Congratulations NorCalSpeed!
I originally had my surgery scheduled for Dec 20th with Dr. Pensler in Chicago, but then his assistant called and said there was a cancellation and i can now have it in less than 2 weeks on Nov 12th! 
Each day that it gets closer it is still hard to believe that i will be puffy-nipple free very soon!
I stood in front of the mirror lastnight as i was washing up before bed and just laughed....i can't believe that this condition that has plagued me for so long will just be gone.  I am ready to live to the fullest now   ;D
I want to thank everyone that has walked this path already for their stories which has given me the hope and courage to follow.  Btw, Pensler's assistant is hot also   ;)
Continued success with your recovery!

Offline NorCALSpeed

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lol I was the same dude. Looked in the mirror and thought "sweet, done with this shit tomorrow." I wasn't even close to nervous, my resting heart rate at the time was 60, so I'm not saying "dude I'm so tough I wasn't even scared" and really I was freakin out. I was that comfortable and happy that it was finally being dealt with. The recovery time is longer than I'd like, but better safe than sorry. It just sucks to work out and get in shape, only to have 6 weeks off of any "strenuous activity". but i know i don't have to worry about how i looked every damn day. I'll keep everyone updated on my own progress.

I got my stitches out today, i think some of my nerves are a bit numbed (well, i know they are) because I didn't feel a single stitch, and I've never seen a doc. careful enough to never pinch. The area where the sutures were done is all dark, so hopefully that kind of cleans up and the look normal soon. also, the skin was kind of pull down from the stitches, almost putting my nipples slightly low, im assuming this is normal since i had a highly respected doc, and neither he nor the assistant said anything about it.  i have about 2 weeks till i start using the silicone sheeting (oh yeah, does that stuff work?) and then 2 more weeks till exercise and I'm vestless. November better fly by.

Offline NorCALSpeed

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well things are improving steadily it seems. my scars are actually healing up pretty fast with the silicone gel. and theyre always flat, so im psyched. theres still plenty of swelling on the top, but i have big pec muscles anyway so im not flat as a board. i have noticed the scar tissue really developed about a week ago. i could feel the tightness and thick bands. but theyre flattening out well with massage. i have noticed what seems to be scar tissue under the nipple. for a second i panicked and though it was the gyne returning, but i think its just scar tissue. it feels much firmer than the breast tissue did. and it doesnt create puffy nipples, more of a bump under an area of incision. i know my doc couldnt remove 100% of the tissue for fear of creating a fold or concaveness. but unless i take roids or the gland gets stimulated, im good.


the vest is gone! and man it feels nice. not like orgasm in your pants nice, like getting the foam out is, but nice to wear normal clothes and not deal with it all day long. im going to start working out with light full body workouts, then move to heavier legs, maybe light chest, then work it in over the rest of the month. and hopefully no scar and lifting normal in jan. the silicone sheets are annoying, and make it look like u have weird nipples, but it works. oh well, almost there...

Offline NorCALSpeed

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It's back! I won't curse here because there's younger people about, but mother^%*^&*%&^*^*&^*&^!!  The left side is still flat, the nipple looks flat and normal, and my clothes hang great on it. It looks great from all angles. The right is starting to poke again though. I can feel the tissue coming in, and although it's not puffy, it's almost as bad because it's pointed and it noticeable under clothing once again. I am pretty pissed about this, because I went to Dr. Delgado for the very reason of hoping to avoid any revision work. He said unless the glad is stimulated to grow, it won't. Nothing has stimulated it, except my body's need to heal I think. I have avoided soy products, tea tree oil, lavender, no steroids taken (ever), and it still came back.He leaves some tissue in because otherwise you can have a concave chest. Well if this was going to happen, I should have gone to the other well known Dr. in the bay area for almost half the price. Im not in CA right now, so when I go back I have to meet and talk with him. It's so annoying because after all the work, time, and money spent, it might begin all over again. One of my biggest pet peeves when i had the full blown gyno, is leaning forward, or putting my arms in front (like sitting with your elbows resting on your knees) caused the nips and tissue to hang slightly and protrude. No that happens again, but only on one side! The un-evenness bugs me, because it will draw attention. I'm trying not to get depressed about it, but each day it seems to be a bigger problem. F#cking damnit. Anyone else been in this situation? Did the doc correct if for free?

Offline snycs10

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Are you certain that it's breast tissue reforming and not just bad scar tissue? Have you ever been to an Endo?

Offline NorCALSpeed

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i havent been to an endo yet, no. i found out my health insurance doesnt cover it, and money is tight for me since the surgery. the reason i think its tissue and not scar tissue, is it has grown as the rest of my scar tissue has shrank. also sometimes there is slight tenderness at the area, making me think the growing tissue is causing separation of the skin and muscle that initially healed together. and when i o massage on the nipple itself, it doesn't go away the way the other tissue does. im not ruling it out completely, but have many people had this sort of confusion? it feels like it moves more than scar tissue, the way the old tissue did.

Offline rashdudes

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^ dude, i was so hoping to meet Dr. Delgado and discuss my case with him.
FYI - You are the first person to report a post-Op problem with him on this
website (at least I didn't come across such post during my search  ::)) .

Its hard to say if this has affected my decision, but for sure has layed out
possible unavoidable scenarios that i need to think about, before going under
the knife.

Hope its just a scar tissue. Why don't you call him? (or send him a picture).

Keep us updated!
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 06:43:10 PM by rashdudes »

Offline 9Wolf

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Very interesting argument for leaving 'some gland behind'... you know what, I'm no surgeon, but that doesn't make any sense to me. If you leave a small amount, it obviously WILL stimulate growth in cases where the patient had gyno due to genetic, or other endocrine, or un-controllable biological reasons. The cases where some type of medicine, or steroids, etc (controllable) might resolve the right effect with such an approach.

And from what I've heard and experienced, all this "depressions are bad" and "craters will be there" and "concave" stuff is garbage. Again, this is from my own personal experience. I had a LOT of gland. I had EVERY damn bit removed. It left a huge valley. But guess what? Just like my surgeon said, my body is filling them in just fine. He said they will slowly recontour automatically between 3-6 months in my case. And it's been 7-8 weeks so far and it's almost all better already! So I don't know why a lot of these surgeons are saying that and using that as a medical reason to 'leave some gland behind'.

I'm kind of new to this forum, but I hope that this isn't the prevalent information that has been going around for years.
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)


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