Hey dudes, i have been on this board for a while now but have never posted and thought now would be a good time.
Im 25 and have suffered from gyne since i was 14. Finally had surgery on tueday, woohoo lol
Untill discovering this board a year or so ago, i knew very little about the condition and cannot thank everyone enough for all the information and advice on here.
Like i'm sure many people have said before and will again this board has literally given me a better life. I dont think a non-gyne sufferer could ever realise how much it can effect someone on a daily basis, and really disrupt your quality of life.
I hid my gyne pretty well but it's funny how over time you put up with all the little limitations it causes. I'm quite a sceptical person and despite wanting the surgery i had alot of doubts.
I eventually had my surgery with
Dr. Karidis (who i would highly recommend) on tuesday 13/11/07 and obviously it's early days but so far so good (i will put up a seperate topic after a few days with photos etc) but just wanted to say thanks to everyone for bothering to post on here. I'll be stuck in my compression vest for another coupl of weeks but once i'm out i can't wait to buy some new t-shirts based on whether or not i actually like it rather than whether or not they will hide my man boobs lol, gonna be awesome
And for anyone who is considering surgery all i'll say is it's definately the best decision I have made in my life. Don't let the gyne win!!!