Author Topic: Told my mom about it.  (Read 17902 times)

Offline zink

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good luck Dave - you can still be grateful that your dad is supportive of you. It's a difficult and un-exposed subject so it's understandable if maybe your mum finds it hard to deal with. Just hang in there mate!

I didn't tell my parents until I had to, I was already dealing with surgeons etc. I never told anyone cos I was so scared about it but I'm so glad I did, my mum has been so supportive of me so you never know - letting it out to someone can really take weight of your mind! having someone to talk to about it is really helpful

Offline Dave_8

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I agree zink. Telling someone close to you about this problem does make everything much easier.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Swenip

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Oh man it's rough having you're mom react like that to your problem Dave  :-\. I only told my mom since my father died 1 month after i decided to go through with the surgery. I also showed her the Youtube clip of gynecomastia and she understood really well, as i thought she would. I know it's the internet but you could show your mom the "worst gynecomastia moment" thread? Alot of sad shit there.

And if my mom would react like that our relationship would be much much worse. But as zink says it's alot to deal with and she probably just don't wanna realize that her son need surgery for such a thing.
Good luck man and i hope you get the money soon, and that your mother starts understanding

Offline Dave_8

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Dude Swenip, I am so sorry about your loss of your father. You must have a lot of shit to deal with. Makes me feel like a male thingy complaining about my situation. And yeah we have the money now, but as I recall a while back that my mother told me if I have surgery, she's going to leave me. So I'm in a bit of a stalemate.

Offline tartan_tiger

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Dude Swenip, I am so sorry about your loss of your father. You must have a lot of shit to deal with. Makes me feel like a male thingy complaining about my situation. And yeah we have the money now, but as I recall a while back that my mother told me if I have surgery, she's going to leave me. So I'm in a bit of a stalemate.
Damn, that's cold. I thought it was bad that when I showed my mom the problem and she just called me chubby and told me to do some pushups.

Offline Dave_8

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Yup sometimes lifes tough, and sometimes life can screw you in the ass. But thats how things are. Hopefully I'll be strong enough for more of the adversity I'm going to deal with in the future.

Offline Dave_8

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Dude seriously Giantfan, thats what I've been thinking. You read my mind. Back ago when I was in the 5th through 7th grade, my parents were seperated. My mom always forced me to sleep at my cousins or grandparents except with my dad (only on weekends). Well I started gaining weight and my mom was, I'm pretty sure cheating on my father. And well she got pregnant and ran back to my dad. My dad knew it wasnt his but promised to take care of it but when it gets born, he will have a blood test. Well, a week later she had an abortion, without tellin us. I was so crushed that when I tried to confront her and argue about that, she yells at me and spanks me saying it was her choice (crazy bitch I know). I became suicidal between the 8th grade and this year but things are way better. Well I know who the guy is and he always makes fun of my size, so I make fun of his Mother and Father who happens to be the reverends at my church. I always wondered why my dad kicked his ass back during the seperation. This october when I turn 18, it's my turn, I've been waiting so long to beat the living fuckshit out of him. October is D-Day for me. For some reason now when I think about it, I wouldnt care much if my mother left.

Offline Merangue

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Dave, your mother sounds like a psycho. Do what you need to man, fuk her if she wants to leave, over the last few posts it doesn't seem like she wants to be around anyway... I can't believe she'd go through with an abortion and not understand getting surgery for something like this.

Offline Dave_8

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Yeah I know. Im gonna get it done whether she wants me to or not. But the reason I dont want her to leave isnt because of me, but for my father. It just makes me mad though that she is like that because of her side of the family makes her make bad choices like telling her to leave my dad and find someone new and all that bullshit. But I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now, so hopefully I don't get raped by badluck on the way out.


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