Author Topic: 1st Post op consultation....  (Read 2176 times)

Offline Yorkshireman

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Im almost 6 weeks post op, and today had my 1st post op consulataion with Mr Levick...

It literally lasted about 3 minutes, which was a bit of a shame given that the return travelling time was in excess of 6 hours!

He had a quick look at my chest, gave me my pre op pics.

He said I have a bit of haematoma, and scar tissue, and advised me to apply pressure to the area regularly...other than that he just told me to come back in 6 months......

Im reasonably happy with the results, on the basis that the swelling has almost gone, and the chest is looking pretty reasonable, although I would not be happy with what I have as the final result...Im hoping/expecting some pretty good results after 6 months....

Ah well...the waiting game topless summer for me this year I dont think...maybe next year (bloody better be!)

Offline Yorkshireman

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Oh I forgot to add....I had to wait a while before I was called in...had the pleasure of looking at some of Mr Levicks female patients...most seemed like pretty oldish women who had clearly had LOTS of surgery on them.....lips/cheeks/nose/boobs etc....all looked pretty well to do...

Looked like a pretty unhappy (on an emotional level) people.....but hey that was just the way they came across!

Offline sydneyc

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Yorkshireman - do you have some foto's?

I know it is frustrating, but 6 weeks is a short time. And I do genuinely believe that Levick's procedure is more "comprehensive" than others, so whilst the ups and downs of healing  may take longer, the end result will hopefully be better. Better to have severe bruising and temp swelling as a result of all the gland being removed, than mild bruising because only a cursory pass was made over the fat cells - leaving fat and gland tissue to be repopulated in the near future.

I am a Levick patient and knew before that he tends to hoover more out, with the short term downside but hopefully a long term upside.


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