Just found this board in the search for information on gynecomastia. I'm looking for help in sorting out a couple of questions, but I guess I should begin with a little background info...
I think I was around 12 when I started developing gyne and getting fat(i'm 25 now, btw). I always used to think that the man boobs were linked to my fatness, so it's not until a couple of years ago that I learned about gyne. This was when I started getting serious with weight loss. Eventually I lost about 75lbs, but even when I started to go below ~15% body fat I still had a bit fat chest with a little odd shape... and if I bulk up, guess what grows first.
Anyway, I think you all can understand how much this is bothering me. I would love to get surgery done but I don't think I will have that kind of money in a long time, and this has been bothering me for way too long already. Here's where my first question comes in:
* Are there any meds that can help, like tamoxifen or whatever? I keep hearing different things all the time. Some say it helps while others say surgery is the only option. In my case it should be noted that just reducing some of the fat from my chest would probably help a lot. Also reducing the glandular tissue somewhat could probably help a lot with the shape. That is to say that if these meds would just help a little bit, they could still make a hell of a difference.
My second question is more regarding the reason behind this. I know it's pretty normal to get gyne during puberty but i'm still thinking about hormonal imbalances. It's like I tend to go between two extremes; at one end I feel great, even about the way I look, and at the other end it's just the exact opposite. It's like I go between these two in cycles, and it seems my body is affected by it too. It can go from looking tight and fit to just flabby, and I don't think i'm the only one noticing it either. It also seems like it's affecting the gyne too, some days it's less noticeable...
I can't say that I notice any other weird issues, other than an perhaps unusually weak growth of facial hair.
Of course I will go see a doctor about this, but I would very much like to hear different opinions on this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!