Author Topic: *4 * W*E*E*K*S  POST-OP - Reflections~  (Read 2324 times)

Offline tonysoprano

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So today I am exactly 4 weeks Post-op. Have worn my vest 23/7 since my op , and I intend to switch to 12/7 for the next 3weeks. then I'm gonna burn the stinkin' thing!

I cannot say that I am 100 or even 90% satisfied with the results, but they are definitely way better than what I had before, and the improvement is quite drastic , even though my case was probably only a 3 OR 4 ON A 10-POINT scale of gyne. severity. The improvement alone so far makes me very happy, and I guess its still quite early days, and thus am assuming it will be getting better yet - perhaps closer towards that 100% degree of satisfaction.

Still -  I have no regrets at all.

Just curious to know if there is anyone who...

a) Was not amazingly happy or satisfied at 1 month post-op, but then noticed a marked improvement  and an ability to declare almost total satisfaction at around 2, 3 or 6 months post-op ?

b) Felt that it required that first run,cycle,swim/cardio-workout post-op to really get a feel about how you looked and felt afterwards, standing in front of a mirror ?
(I basically mean after sweating out all the shit of the initial sedentary post-op weeks) ?

Will report back at 6 weeks post-op!***

And just to be safe will wait till 6-8 weeks, to recommence my exercise and yoga routine
ps: Thanks (again) to all of you guys for all the info/support/advice/comfort etc.

What goes around comes around!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2005, 03:36:37 AM by tonysoprano »
... and the saga continues

Offline tonysoprano

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Oh yeh.. thought I'd add that at this stage I still cannot fully stretch my pecs, but I suspect thAT might have to do with me  trying to use my chest muscles as absolutely little as possible these last 4 weeks. hopefully this'll loosen up with the cut-down to 12hour daily vest-wearing.

Offline Blarneystoner

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damn i got to learn to be a lifeguard in 2 months.  :-/
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline tonysoprano

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damn i got to learn to be a lifeguard in 2 months.  :-/

It may be healed- everyone is different and has different kinds of surgery done on them.

2 months is quite a fair while. Its double the amount of where I am right now!

My chest looks ok- still not as flat as I'd like but I'll give it time still. I still won't be starting massage for another fortnight. However my actual incisions are the worst of it still - still dried blood and scabby , but obviously these take a lot more then 4 weeks!


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