Author Topic: 3 months to wait for surgery.  (Read 2965 times)

Offline Blue2

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I contacted Karidis' office today and was told the next available date for a consultation is 14th March and op dates run approx 8 weeks from then. Why did I leave it so long to get this sorted? I was really hoping to get it done earlier and get on with my recovery but it looks like it will be summer before I get Chance to shake off the operation scarring and bruising etc.  :(

What is considered to be a reasonable amount of time for recovery? I know it can take up to a year in some cases to recover completely, but I have read reports on here of people who have been back in the gym after a month! Is this normal? I know everyone is different and it will depend on the level of gyne that you have but I feel a a bit dispondant now. I had my gyne rated on the forum as a 3.5 to a 7 so not mega bad, but bad enough! Not sure what to do now.  :-\
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline Blue2

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Ah stuff it! I have took the bull by the horns and I have booked the consultaion for the 14 March with Karidis. Feeling quite excited now.  ;D

Offline tomo

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I had consultation with him on Monday, earliest I can have treatment is 15 April. Ive booked it and cant wait.

Offline Toby1971

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As you say different for everyone. One of the reasons I picked Karidis was that his recovery times seemed quick from the reports I had read & his whole procedure just seems less traumatic.

For me:

Back to work after 6 days.
Bruising all but faded after 2 weeks
Bruising completely gone after 3 weeks
Light swelling gone after 6 weeks

At 8 weeks now, probably still haven't seen my final result yet but feel totally back to normal. I think I would have been happy enough to take my top off on holiday etc at week 3. 

Offline Blue2

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That's very encouraging. I am not so apprehensive now. Thanks for sharing.  :)

Offline Blue2

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You trying to put me off mate?  :D Seriously, I have now read a fair number of posts on here and one conclusion that I have drawn up is that the recovery period can be anything from 1 month to 1 year. HOWEVER, I have also come to the conclusion that a lot depends on the surgeon and his techniques. By all accounts, Karidis and Benito patients seem to have the quickest recovery periods and I guess this is purely down to their skill and techique. I have chosen Karidis based on what I have read on here and because of my level of gyne. Mine seems to be similar to a couple of blokes on here who have experienced great results with Karidis. I am not getting carried away though because as stated earlier, everyone IS different and results and recovery will vary greatly. It would appear that it helps to be in the best shape you can be pre-op and this is my current objective. I will be at the gym four times a week until the 'big day' to tone up and shed the pounds, and if this helps to make the op more effective and the recovery easier then great. I just hope I can be back in the gym soon after so as not to undo the good work I will have done before hand.


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