Author Topic: I have Gyncomestia And I Cant LIFT :O  (Read 2238 times)

Offline RickWalia

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k I have gyncomestia and i cant lift at ALL i ordered a olypmic weight bench the chrome bar is 45 pounds i barely lifted that 4 times then i put 15 pounds on each side couldnt lift that my brother also has gyno but he could lift he did football for a year but i havent lifted in my life ever plus fat on my body is scattered rather then my stomach and i Cant even do 1 push up is that regular ? im 16 233 pounds male :*(

Offline Zoner

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I remember when I first started to lift. I was around your age and couldn't do much either. Pushups were the worst. I could only get 2 at the most. I kept at it though and now I can do alot more. My advice to you is to keep working at it and eventually you will get stronger and be able to do more.

Offline RickWalia

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thanks bud :) I am not going to quit no matter what jus felt embrassed that i couldn't do it D*:

Offline slyblackdragon

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I used to struggle to bench the bar (45 lbs) and now my personal best bench was 280 lbs. Everyone struggled at the beginning. As long as you are pushing yourself, the weight you are pushing doesn't matter. The weights I struggle to squat with, others can easily bench...just challenge yourself and you will do great!

Offline Alfa

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I also used to struggle with the bar when I was your age. That's one of the reasons I didnt start strength training seriously until just a couple of years ago. I really advice you to not make the same mistake. Serious strenght training is one of the best investments you can make. Don't give up on it. Even if you think results are coming slow, you can make a dramatic change in a few years. Just don't forget to work all of the muscles, not just the chest. Plus, you need proper nutrition and rest to get all the benefits.

I'm not that strong myself either. I can do a few reps of incline dumbell chest presses with a pair of 66lbs(30Kg) db's. That's okay for my small frame, but far from being strong. However, exercise is about the improvements you make, and not about outlifting your friends. I used to be 75lbs overweight and in piss poor condition. Today, I can survive workouts that would have killed me in five minutes just two years ago...

So, you keep going, and make sure you keep going for a hell of a long time.

Offline headheldhigh01

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  • destined to stand on a beach shirtless
"why do my eyes hurt?" 
"you've never used them before."

great movie, great lines. 

i was feeble at bench press back in high school, but i don't think gyne had anything to do with it.  workouts take work. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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