Author Topic: Pubertal Gynecomastia  (Read 3572 times)

Offline juicyj304

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Hi..... i just turned 16 friday and i have gynecomastia. i am built well a linebacker for my football team and i am slightly overweight (like 5-10 pounds tops) but my chest is so disgusting looking. My doctor told me i had it cuz of my hormones goin crazy at my age and it would resolve itself i was wondering if anyone else had this and did it resolve itself and if so what age andd how can i tell when it starts to flatten, or am i unfortunate to hear this and i need to have surgery. I am just curious cuz it is really a battle psycologically. Any help would be great. Thanks for reading

Offline scousered45

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Really don't know mate thats the problem with gyne in general. Can you feel some kind of gland (hard tissue under and around the nipple) or is it just fat.

Sorry to break it too you as well but if it does not disappear surgery is the only way to remove it.

Posting pics would help some of the more knowledgeable people on here tell you whether its pubertal or not.

Good luck and I hope for your sake it isn't a gland.

Offline juicyj304

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my doctor said it was a gland but he said it would "probly" go away but he doesnt know alot bout gyno

Offline scousered45

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I would strongly advise asking him to find you a surgeon who is more of an expert. My surgeon said that most people who see him don't have anything wrong with them so its completely normal to see a surgeon and not have surgery.

I may be wrong but have got the impression that pubertal gyne is something you get at about 12-14 and isn't that noticeable and goes away quickly, so find an expert to get a proper idea of what it is.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 05:24:41 AM by scousered45 »

Offline juicyj304

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hes setting me up with an endocrinologist and they are examining me and ill ask them about surgery but i cant get surgery without insurance covering it is there anyway they will ???

Offline scousered45

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I've heard cases of insurance covering it but its not very often, stating the bad psychological effects of gyne seems to work occasionally from what I've gathered on here.

If you can't get insurance then just save up until you can afford one.

Offline headheldhigh01

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most disappearance is first year, sometimes second year, rare cases 3rd year.  after that you're probably up gyne creek.  if it's still not bad you can ask an endo about e-blockers or stabilizing things somehow. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Jdowg

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Whats your height and weight? Im 16, 5'10" and weigh about 160ish, i know what your going through

Offline juicyj304

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i am 5"9 185 but im pretty muscular i play linebacker so im not overweight by much im not fat lol my chest is just abnormal

Offline Jdowg

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same with me man, i got a flat stomach, but an abnormal chest. I bench, workout, run, etc, nothings working. Im going to see if its hormones, best thing i can do atm.


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