Author Topic: BKKROSS Surgery in Bangkok......Now with Pre-Op & 10 week Post-Op Pics  (Read 9708 times)

Offline bkkross

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Sorry to start a new thread on my situation and to sound like a pre-madonna but....

Six weeks in looking at my chest it looks like i have around 50% of gyn still there, nowhere near flat...or is it swelling? (i am still in mild pain) I know that may sound ignorant but i really don't know.Obviously i'm hoping it is swelling (the pain may suggest it is) because my chest hopefully will flatten out when the swelling goes,but reports i have read suggests the swelling should of gone by now, so if it is still gyn then why?? that was removed, was it not? (250 each side, lipo only)  It is hard to gauge any similar experiences on this board for me to take some confidence because EVERYBODY seems to have had a different experience.

So i feel like i'm in no mans land at the moment and don't know how this is going to pan out, so if anyone can recognise the picture i have painted and may have some comments/answers etc,it would be much appreciated....thanks!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 12:41:49 PM by bkkross »

Offline Blue2

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Hi mate. I am no expert in this and I have not yet even had my consultation with Karidis (next month!), but you say you only had lipo only with no gland removal. Is it not common practice now a days to have both done? From reading posts on here it would seem that it is not possible to remove glad with lipo alone and so maybe this is part of your problem? Who performed your op out of curiosity? Sorry I can't offer any much in the way of constructive comments but I just don't have to experience yet to give an educated answer.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline 76ertia

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Hello. I am about 2 months post op now, and I'm finding that my chest is kinda getting worse as time progresses- my nipples are kind of puffing out more  (after being totally flush with the chest, although looking a bit inverted/creased early on) and the flabbiness/ contour of the chest seems to have been increasing gradually since the second week or so post-op. My chest looked really flat the first few weeks, and my surgeon (Alex Karidis) told me that he was sure that once my scar tissue has cleared up, I'll be back to how I looked right after the surgery. I'm not sure though, as almost everything I've read seems to suggest that pretty much all of the "swelling" should have subsided by 6 weeks post-op, but mine seems to be getting worse, rather than better. I'm kinda worried that it looked great straight after the surgery because he just got rid of all the fat that was there already, but maybe the fact that my body has a natural inclination towards a "flabby" chest, it just finds it's way back there over time. I can feel a definite hardness under the nipples around where he did the incisions which I guess must be scar tissue, but I'm not sure about the rest- it feels kinda fibre-y, but mostly just soft and fat-like. I still have a numbness in the chest, but it is only very slight, and I'm never in pain with it. It's kinda strange though, because it's not like I've put on weight since the surgery- in fact I've lost a few pounds. I'm pretty skinny, at 5 foot 11 and 130 lbs.

Still, even with the slight disappointment of the gradual disappearance of that original "flatness" I am still really, really happy with how it looks, which is totally normal. I'm just kind of worried that judging by the direction of the progress is that it's going to continue to get worse, rather than better.
Did anyone find that massaging actually helped? I do it now and then, but I don't know how effective my technique is.

Offline PaulSW

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My swelling has gone down (now 10 weeks post op) but I have to say my right side (which looks perfect) looked perfect from the first few days and has stayed that way.

My left side which has always been more swollen has gone down but is not perfect there still looks to be gyne there ( everyone keeps telling me it will go down but I'm not convinced) I have looked at loads of the posts on here and they all keep saying wait and see. So that's what i'm doing.

Hope your swelling goes down soon
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline binap

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     I just arrived back in the USA and thought I would pop on the board. I am happy to see you went through with the surgery. My comments/experience echo the advice you have already received in your threads. It takes time to heal. The swelling that you are experiencing is normal and I have read a few posts on these boards of guys who have had pain for well over two months after the surgery.

    The scar tissue and bumps from my lipo took a long time to subside. I am almost at the 6 month mark and I can still feel a little bit of scar tissue where the lipo was preformed. I am sure that this will eventually go away so I am not sweating it too much.

     I had my surgery with Dr. Poomee at the end of August and things are still changing. While all most all of my swelling has gone down, I still have scar tissue under each nipple. I am still very pleased with how things turned out and I expect continued improvement as my body absorbs the scar tissue.

       I forced myself to set reasonable expectations before going in for the surgery. You read a lot of posts on here from guys who had flat chests after surgery. I do not think I will ever have a perfectly flat chest, but on my frame I think that would look out of place. What is important is that I don't worry about my gyn anymore. That is a huge relief. I can dress how I please and go swimming and no one realizes I had surgery done (lipo+excision).

  Hang in there and your condition will improve. Have you begun to massage the area yet?

Take care,

Offline april24th2007

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BkRoss - I'm sorry to burst your bubble.  but your condition sounds exactly the same as mine.  Everybody kept saying its just swelling.  But a seperate doctor I went to for follow up said 90% of the result must be shown in the fisrt 2 months.  After that you don't even have to wear the compression vest.  So sadly, your surgery didn't go well.  Your moobs will still remain.

One option I can reccomend to you is to do just excision (since lipo is already done).  Maybe a surgeon in Europe would be a better option?  read throught the threads, there are cheap Dr's in Poland and Barcelona.

Offline april24th2007

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Buddy I hope so for your sake.

But after 6 weeks, people start exercising and stuff.  You really should not be in any pain or have any bruising at this stage.  You should call the Dr and go for a follow up.

My advice, keep wearing that compression vest and get some cream to massage for the swelling.

Hope it works out dude.

Offline outertrial

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Buddy I hope so for your sake.

But after 6 weeks, people start exercising and stuff.  You really should not be in any pain or have any bruising at this stage.  You should call the Dr and go for a follow up.

I did - check out my pics!

Offline april24th2007

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Outerrial - You did what?  Have pain & bruising or you did start excercising?

BK Ross - The thing is buddy that I've been on this forum for 2 years now.  And I've read over 50 peoples surgery experiences through results.  And what I've learned is that yes it can take a year to get complete results.  But after the first 2 months, 90% of the results are evident.  Meaning mostly flat.  Then the remaining 10% takes time.  Sometimes theres scar tissue, sometimes there more swelling in one side than the other.  Then it depends on who rested more, massaged more, which cream they applied more etc..

But in 99% of the cases, within 2 months visisble results are there.  And many people including myself have to sadly go for revision surgery. 

Offline kingboob

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April, I just can't agree.

Having read many peoples operation experiences on these forums I have noticed that lots of people have been extremely upset and worried 2 months after surgery, only to be much happier again at the 7-8 month stage...... of course there are examples where people are unhappy from the moment they wake up in recovery to the moment they have revisions one year later!

I can't help but notice you seem to have posted a lot of posts with negative vibes...... You are allowed your opinion and I respect that, but why bother posting if you have nothing positive to say?

Offline kingboob

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Ross - I don't know exactly what you had done to your chest, but if you had liposuction it is perfectly normal to get swelling for a long time afterwards unfortunately.

Lipo is one of those things everyone thinks is dead easy.... hoover out a bit of fat here, suck out the love handles there... etc etc, but it is actually fairly traumatic for the body and it is one of those things where it is quite common for the patient to be unhappy with the results................................ or at least that is my opinion from reading various plastic surgery forums and watching too many health & discovery programs on sky!!

Give it some time and things may well work out nicely for you, hopefully any pain and discomfort will subside soon m8.

I am 21 days post-op from a lower body lift and gyne correction and I know the pain is doing my head in..... also not being able to go to the gym is extremely annoying right now....... if I am forced to watch on more crappy movie on sky tv I think my head may explode!!!!!

Offline boredofthisnow

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Alright mate, I havent actually posted since I wrote about how well my surgery went but this may make you feel better to know

Immediately post-op - Very happy, obviously swollen and bruised etc but looked good and flat
2-3 weeks post-op - seemed to fill out a little but very pleased.
2 months post-op - uneven, swollen looking, puffy nipples, gutted!!!
now 3 months post-op steadily getting better massaging every day and reassured by my surgeon that the final result will be what I saw immediately post-op, so if you were happy post-op then dont worry just give it time, i know it's frustrating and everyones different, but 6 weeks is early days, it can only improve

Offline april24th2007

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Buddy I don't mean to be negative.  I hope that your results are good.  But I'm just giving you my opinion based on what you have posted this past month.

Just look at anyone else's post op photos and compare.  theres a guy here who recently posted pics of 5 day post op.  And his chest is flat.  Ofcourse there is bruising. But take a look at the overall shape. 

From my experience on this forum, those are the people who have the best results.

At the end of the day, gyne surgery is an improvement to our condition, not perfection surgery.  Anyhow time will tell.   Hope you keep massaging and take arnica.  That should help your swelling.

I recall in one of your posts, you mentioned taking off the comp vest after a week.  If I read correctly, then its the first time anyone has ever said that.

Please don't feel I'm being negative.  I really hope all you guys get rid of your gyne.  We are all in the same boat fellows.

Offline Blue2

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Stay off the pop then mate!  :D (Easier said than done though eh?  ;))

Glad things are improving for you. Hopefully the recovery will step up a gear now and you will be ready for summer!

Offline outertrial

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Good news -as of today i have got the sensation back in my nipples,this came as a pleasant suprise :)

By the way i have noticed the pain in my chest is always apparent the day after i have been on the piss,happens every time.

Probably because you wave your arms around.


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