Author Topic: Gyno Pics  (Read 6158 times)

Offline rjs270

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I've had larger than normal breast since I was around 10 years old and have been called every name in the book.  No matter how much I diet or how hard I work out, I can't seem to tighten up my chest or get rid of the fat behind my nipple.  Do you think surgery would help?  Please give me your honest opinions.


Offline dcvet

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bro, your gyn is almost exactly like mine was before my surgery.  We also have very similar body type.  Get the surgery, you will get excellent results if you have a good surgeon and will be happy as a mofo.

Offline rjs270

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I don't feel any hard lumps so I just assumed that it was fatty tissue.  Can anyone recommend a doc in the philly area?  I'm just getting started with my research so any info would be helpful.  i've read that you should find a doc that will use both lipo and remove the gland.  I've lived with this long enough and can't wait to get rid of it!!!

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Damn right surgery will correct this... how do you know it is fatty tissue only?
You will definitely like the results from gyne surgery... have it done and NO ONE will be calling you names again... your case is not serious so the results will be excellent.
Boy am I glad to hear this.

The condition of my nips are VERY similar to yours rjs270. I also work my ass off in the gym and I am pretty lean and muscular with a v-taper. I too live in the Philly area. I "came out" today actually, and told my family about my gyne. It has been about 7 or 8 years (Im 22 now). It feels a lot better to talk about it, and this board helps a lot too. I didn't realize other people go through the same self-hatred and shame that I battle on a daily basis. Id also be very interested to know if anyone has any recommendations for docs in the Philly area. I just emailed Dr. Lo this evening. I'll probably go in for a free consultation. Check him out if you want rjs270:

Good luck with everything bro. Train Hard.

Offline rjs270

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Philly puff, I actually contacted Dr. Lo yesterday and I'm going to see him next wednesday for a consultation.  Fyi...he said the surgery should be somewhere around $5600 for everything.  That's a lot of money but there is no other way of getting rid of it.  My gyne doesn't even look as bad as it usually is cuz I'm bulking up right now but when I cut in the summer and lose most of my fat my gyne looks even worse!!!  Been living with this shit for 20 years now and it's time to get rid of it.  I'll keep you posted after I meet with Dr. Lo.  Good luck bro. 

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Philly puff, I actually contacted Dr. Lo yesterday and I'm going to see him next wednesday for a consultation.  Fyi...he said the surgery should be somewhere around $5600 for everything.  That's a lot of money but there is no other way of getting rid of it.  My gyne doesn't even look as bad as it usually is cuz I'm bulking up right now but when I cut in the summer and lose most of my fat my gyne looks even worse!!!  Been living with this shit for 20 years now and it's time to get rid of it.  I'll keep you posted after I meet with Dr. Lo.  Good luck bro. 

I feel your pain man. I've gotten into single digit BF%, shredded, veins everywhere, but fuckin puffed nips. Its time for my nips to GO!...Definitely keep me posted on everything. I'm probably going to go ahead and set up a free consultation as well. Good luck with everything.

Offline Superfred

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Dude, you condition isn't that bad at all...

Offline rjs270

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maybe it's just more in my head than anything but it still bothers me.  I get shit all the time from my friends about it.  Even people I don't know sometimes comment on it >:(.  You have no idea how hard I've worked out trying to get rid of it only to see it get worse over time.  I've never used steroids or any prohoromones that would make it worse.  Just tired of being embarassed about it.  I know it's not the worst case out there but it bothers me every day!!!

Offline Superfred

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I understand what you are going through. I have a 2 out of 10 case myself... Problem with my situation is that I caused the problem myself with estrogen... I have been crossdressing for some time and I decided to go the next step. I took estrogen for about 6 months and I regret it big time... Believe me, I am not some fag or sissy. I was just very curious what it was like to have a set of breasts... Sick yes! I thought it was irreversible but I learned the hard way. I am so pissed off at myself. I had a perfict chest up until 5 years ago and I am now 45 y/o...

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Philly puff, I actually contacted Dr. Lo yesterday and I'm going to see him next wednesday for a consultation.  Fyi...he said the surgery should be somewhere around $5600 for everything.  That's a lot of money but there is no other way of getting rid of it.  My gyne doesn't even look as bad as it usually is cuz I'm bulking up right now but when I cut in the summer and lose most of my fat my gyne looks even worse!!!  Been living with this shit for 20 years now and it's time to get rid of it.  I'll keep you posted after I meet with Dr. Lo.  Good luck bro. 

Hey rjs,

I set up a consultation with Dr. Lo as well. Are you going on Wednesday the 27th? If so, thats crazy, thats when mine is...10AM...small world....Anyway, Im just F*ckin Ready to get rid of these PUFFS. Have you been able to find anybody whose seen Dr. Lo and how they liked their results?

Offline rjs270

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That's some funny sh!t...I'm going the 27th @ 12:00!  So far I haven't found anyone on here who has used him but I will be sure to ask for references when I'm there.  Shoot me a pm after you meet with him and let me know what you think and Ill do the same.  I want to make sure that he does both lipo and excision.  Maybe I'll even see you there!  Lol 

Offline PhillyPUFF

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That's some funny sh!t...I'm going the 27th @ 12:00!  So far I haven't found anyone on here who has used him but I will be sure to ask for references when I'm there.  Shoot me a pm after you meet with him and let me know what you think and Ill do the same.  I want to make sure that he does both lipo and excision.  Maybe I'll even see you there!  Lol 

Is lipo and excision better than just lipo alone? Is excision required if you don't feel any glands? I just want to make sure I actually get rid of this shit if I drop $5600 bucks. I would be f*ckin insanely pissed if I got the surgery and still had my PUFFS. I'll PM you after I meet with him. What gym do you train at BTW? (no homo)

Offline rjs270

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Lmao!  No homo here either.  I train at Gold's in Allentown.  From what I've read, if you just have the lipo done and do not remove the gland, there is a chance that the gyno could come back.  With gland removal, there is no way for it to come back.  Dude, I'm no expert at all so I could be wrong but I've read this on several different sites and want to hear what the doc says about it. 


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