Author Topic: Confidence talking to girls with GYNO  (Read 12885 times)

Offline dave1030

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Hey don't be so down on yourself.  I'm glad that you are getting the surgery because it sounds like you want it.  I will be getting it too, probably in June or July.  You shouldn't have quit wrestling over it.  I am a soph and I wrestle.  It was embarassing to me, but no one said anything.  I wanted to quit sometimes because of it but when you think about it, it's not that big of a deal.

Offline 14 yr old surgery 2/18

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well the second the surgery was scheduled i was never let getting it friday (2/18, 2 days from now) and I've never been happier...and you said june/july, i would try to get it maybe april/may b/c you can enjoy your summer and have more confidence at the beach etc, just my opinion.
Surgery: February 18th, 2005
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz
Type: Gland only


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