Author Topic: help please can you have the operation on muscle  (Read 4287 times)

irish lad

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i am 19 years old and i am from ireland, its just i need a recommendation on a really good surgeon prefferably uk or ireland, this is really a big problem for me and really its gets me down because i train a lot and am relatively skinny and in good shape except for my chest, it seems doing weights has made this worse for me altough i did visit a surgeon in ireland and he said he coudnt operate because it was muscle and no fat, but i know with doing some reasearch you can operate on muscle because it is clear i have it and just need some help people as its not very helpfull here in ireland thank you


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i am 19 years old and i am from ireland, its just i need a recommendation on a really good surgeon prefferably uk or ireland, this is really a big problem for me and really its gets me down because i train a lot and am relatively skinny and in good shape except for my chest, it seems doing weights has made this worse for me altough i did visit a surgeon in ireland and he said he coudnt operate because it was muscle and no fat, but i know with doing some reasearch you can operate on muscle because it is clear i have it and just need some help people as its not very helpfull here in ireland thank you

It does not take much tissue to distort the cut look of someone with low body fat like Bodybuilder with Gynecomastia.  Check out this Gallery of Bodybuilders with Gynecomastia to see more examples.  I sculpt many bodybuilders and most tell me that as they build their muscles, whatever sits on top of the muscle gets pushed further out.  Not all surgeons are comfortable with sculpting someone subtle gynecomastia.

I see many patients from Ireland and the UK with Gynecomastia who prefer my techniques and you can read some of their experiences on that link.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture
« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 08:04:01 PM by DrBermant »

irish lad

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thank you very much you have helped me a lot and took a huge weight of my shoulders by confirming you can sculpture chest with muscle tissue, can i ask you are you actually a surgeon who has done this before? i am willing to travel to virginia to go ahead with this as earlier as june when i finish college, i am anxious to do this because i am currently studying fitness and health and want a carear in fitness etc but feel this is stoping me or at least making me very self concious, i am not a bodybuilder by any means i play soccer a lot and am 1 of fittest people on my team, i am in good shape but my chest is not it makes me look heavy and i really want to put an end to this.. iv tried to e-mail DR bermant but am having problems with sending e-mail something to do with my hotmail address, thank you again if you can help me with any futher informtion i will appriciate it


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thank you very much you have helped me a lot and took a huge weight of my shoulders by confirming you can sculpture chest with muscle tissue, can i ask you are you actually a surgeon who has done this before? i am willing to travel to virginia to go ahead with this as earlier as june when i finish college, i am anxious to do this because i am currently studying fitness and health and want a carear in fitness etc but feel this is stoping me or at least making me very self concious, i am not a bodybuilder by any means i play soccer a lot and am 1 of fittest people on my team, i am in good shape but my chest is not it makes me look heavy and i really want to put an end to this.. iv tried to e-mail DR bermant but am having problems with sending e-mail something to do with my hotmail address, thank you again if you can help me with any futher informtion i will appriciate it

You can find the link to my email address here.   Jane is my office manager and can explain how we can help.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

irish lad

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thank you again, i will price up flights to you from ireland to see how much they set me back.. i am dead certain to go over to you if i cant find someone to this in ireland or uk(financial reasons) can you tell me would you be operating on the muscle or breast tissue? and is their any fat removal involved? i also have one puffy niple on my left side, i can post pictures if this helps??


  • Guest
thank you again, i will price up flights to you from ireland to see how much they set me back.. i am dead certain to go over to you if i cant find someone to this in ireland or uk(financial reasons) can you tell me would you be operating on the muscle or breast tissue? and is their any fat removal involved? i also have one puffy niple on my left side, i can post pictures if this helps??

I rarely operate on the muscle tissue itself. Most of my sculpture for gynecomastia and male chest ptosis (drooping) are on the tissues over the muscle.  For an unusual case of hanging muscle after major muscle mass loss, I may resuspend the muscle or tighten the fascia covering the muscles.  Another example of operating on the muscle would involve the unusual situation where the muscle has been torn or cut from the chest wall distorting the shape.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

irish lad

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ok thanks for the help.. il be posting my pictures tommorow so if its not too much bother you could do your best to analyse my pics and see what you think.. thanks again!


  • Guest
ok thanks for the help.. il be posting my pictures tommorow so if its not too much bother you could do your best to analyse my pics and see what you think.. thanks again!

We are glad to help patients explore their concerns during a consultation or review pictures during a Preliminary Remote Discussion.  Jane is my office manager and will be glad to explain the process.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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