Author Topic: gauze under compression garment and shape  (Read 2708 times)

Offline michaelmorey

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hi guys,
just wondering.immediately after the op (lipo and exision), the surgeon puts gauze over the nipple where stitches are), and the area under armpit where drains were, before placing u in a compression garment(which i'm told is to be used for one month). obviously u remove these when u shower, and replace both the gauze and compression garment after u shower, but my first question is..
1)how long after the op do u keep using gauze under the post op surgical garment?

i ask because obviously,where gauze is used and the garment tightens over the chest,it affects the pressure on the chest of that part of the garment, so that when the garment is removed, the chest is indented more noticeably on the part where the gauze was
my 2nd question is..
2)does this extra indentation/pressure have ANY effect whatsoever on the final outcome regarding the eventual Shape of the chest(and is the answer influenced by the answer to question 1 above)
(sorry if these seem like obvious answers, but eve y little detail makes a diffference and lets u know ur doing the rig t thing!)[

Offline gynebegone2

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Good questions..  First.. I waited 3 days until my first shower and at that point I threw the gauze away.  I think you said you have drains, so I don't know how that works as I did not, but as soon as you stop bleeding or oozing you can get rid of the gauze.

As far as the indents from the gauze, i think it took a good 3 - 4 days until they dissapeared.  Really it will have no effect on your final outcome, its most likely that the areas under the gauze did not swell as much and when I removed them eventually the evened out.

Things look pretty shady the first week and a half.  It seems things look good the first few days, then start getting worse.  Then slowly they start to improve over the next few weeks.

Offline another_case

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With Dr. Benito's surgery he does one incision for both the lipo and gland removal and that is about 2 inches away from the nipple (actually just out of the chest area). Once the surgery is done he puts only 1 stitch in and then leaves a tiny gap for the drains to go into, so the drains come out of the same hole he uses for surgery. When the drains come out the day after surgery the gauze goes on and the compression vest on top so the gauze in no way affects the result at all. I too showered about 3 days after, the blood had already dried at that point and I took the gauze off. It is a very small hole which you can only see if you look closely and it heals quickly.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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1) A few days to a week should suffice. Once the wound has started to heal, then there is no need for the gauze...

2) No.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline michaelmorey

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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