Author Topic: Gyne or Fat???  (Read 5634 times)


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So i've had these for a while now.. i'd say since I was like 12, so around 10 years now. I always thought it was fat until a few years ago. I'm overweight (5'11 270lbs), but I think that really I've gotten overweight because of my gyne if it is that. because i'd always be too ashamed to work out with them floppin around lol. anyways, i want to get surgery, but thought maybe some of you can look at these and see if i just need to stick with a work out fat burning plan, which i've started on now, or get the surgery. i probably got some hormone imbalances too because i always had some weird stuff happening to my body in highschool, like random hairloss and then regrowth (alopecia), thick scaly skin growing around my eyes, etc etc. also, may be hereditary, I'm not entirely sure though. anyways, here's the pics. Sorry, took it with my phone's camera, so it sucks with lighting and quality, but I think you can still tell.

The normal male chest anatomy has both gland and fat.  Men tend to put fat first on the belly and chest, we tend to take off the weight there last.

Wearing the extra fat is not healthy.  Check out your risks with a BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)  Body Mass Calculation does not answer if the weight is fat, gland, or bone. Body Fat Analyzers and Scales can add that information.

Plastic surgery is better after weight loss, losing weight is a coarse tool. Plastic surgery is better used for refinement.

Here is an example of the major change in fat after weight loss, residual fat, gland, and skin can still be issues that surgery can help.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 04:04:07 PM by DrBermant »

Offline JerzyJoe

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Here is a guy who had his surgery done in Peru for $800.00 with great results. I may go to this doctor too.

Offline RickWalia

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he dude if u get time talk to rockin813 he can help u lose weight and build muscle hes indian to ;)

Offline blarg

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thanks for all that info 9wolf. i started controlling myself now when i get some munchies at night, making sure i'm eating lo carb, high protein. kind of hard though when your in the dorms, and everyones piggin out haha. i'll be sure to keep everyone updated on the progress... it'll help me keep motivated.

Thanks Dr. Bermant. I'm working on losing as much fat as possible, really focused this time around. I really don't want surgery, so I'll try and see how things look after losing as much fat as possible.

Thanks for the tip RickWalia, i'll send him a message to get some tips from rockin813.

you guys are awesome.

Offline RickWalia

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Jus stick in thier buddy im going to try to lose weight to, Ive had this since 12 and my brother has it to it has kept me away from a lot of things in life  :'( but good luck :)

Offline 9Wolf

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I do have a pretty severe case.  I would say about a 7 or 8.

I think I have seen enough before and after pictures to know that I will not look perfect, and certainly not great even this summer.  But being 39 years old (40 soon), and having lived with substantial gyno my entire life I am comfortable believing I will be thrilled with a 90% or even 80% improvement.  I want, but don't need, perfection.

Many people on this board are under 25yrs old, and I encourage and applaud them for getting treatment.  At that age boys are much more in self conscious and the teasing can be unbearable.  What I am trying to say is at my age I am just looking to feel better, not perfect.  I am married with 2 kids, just want to take my shirt off and jump in the ocean with them.  Not trying to make a calendar.

That being said I do want the best results I can get. That is why I am striving to lose as much weight as I can and add some lean muscle.  Also being a little older I can afford a good surgeon, maybe that will translate into some better results too.

I'm with you, Noseguard! I'm just turning 33 on Saturday and this is my birthday present to myself. Because like you, I dealt with this for so long, my entire life, and that I was also a severe case, I know that mine won't be 'perfect' either but that however close it ends up will still be one of the happiest things to happen to me thus far in life (I don't have kids so)... just to be normal and be able to do the 'normal' things (like you said, jump into the ocean with your kids or friends) will make up for any slight 'imperfections' that may remain.

I can't wait for you to be able to post pics (if you so choose to) of you doing so! Just enjoying life! What great motivation for others! I plan on doing the same this summer.
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline Noseguard

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You know I never thougth of that. 

I had been debating if I should even post before and after photos. I am so uncomfortable with sharing my chest with anyone even this board (without my face) I can't stand the thought of it. 

That would be a nice twist on the usual photos of this board.  My before photos could be of my sorry ass gyno, and my afters could be myself family and friends having fun at the beach or by the pool.  That is the "after" we all want.

I may just do that. Thanks for the idea.


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