Author Topic: What type do I have?  (Read 3450 times)

Offline namsoni

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Hi there,

I've been lurking round these forums for a while but thought I would make finally post. I'm 21 years old, about 6ft2 and weigh around 14st. Obviously I need to lose some weight but wondered how much it is contributing to my breast size. I also wondered what type I have? I don't think I have puffy nipples. Also, wondered if I did opt for surgery is it lipo I need or excission, or both. Sorry about the million questions!

Offline bling

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Offline 9Wolf

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You don't have to worry about what 'type'... you definitely have gynecomastia. And you have it pretty bad like I had. You're probably a 6/7 at your stage (which is where I was right before pre-op). I was even bigger when I was 60 pounds heavier (an 8). It helped my surgeon that I lost all that weight prior.

Some people just have it localized under their nipples and thus it's 'puffy nipples', but others have it more generalized over the whole chest. All the same thing, just depends on how/where your glands became distributed and enlarged.

You will need BOTH lipo and excision to remove ALL your breast glands, since you seem to be a very similar case to mine. Don't let the surgeon talk you into anything less. Good that you are thinking about this issue when you are young. I waited till 2 months ago and I'm turning 33. I wasted my best years hiding from the beast. But hey, it's all good now! :)
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline namsoni

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Cheers 9wolf. I see you had your surgery in India, I was thinking about doing the same as I may be doing a lil backpacking there in the summer. I just wondered how much it cost and how far in advance you sorted everything out.

Offline JerzyJoe

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WHAT TYPE? Moobs! ::)

Offline 9Wolf

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Cheers 9wolf. I see you had your surgery in India, I was thinking about doing the same as I may be doing a lil backpacking there in the summer. I just wondered how much it cost and how far in advance you sorted everything out.

If you decide to have it done in India, you'll be fine. The reason being that the condition is VERY prevalent in Indians and there are many surgeons there who have done many many surgeries. I researched Mumbai and Chandigarh and ultimately decided on Dr. V.D. Singh in Chandigarh because he had more evidence of his experience and surgeries on his website, has higher-end credentials, and has operated on individuals from around the world. There was also a patient from England there for the same thing. I also spoke with Dr. Singh over the phone prior and he was very helpful and reassuring. I'm from California by the way.

So anyways, the cost for ALL 3 of my operations was about $2500 dollars. The gyno surgery was probably a little more than half of that. My plane ticket was about $1000. Combined it was considerably cheaper than having it done locally where some of these surgeons 'charge' you for just calling them. Ridiculous. I'm guessing you're from England? So you can just do the average conversion into your currency.

How far in advance? Well, this is the good part... since I had explained that I was flying in just for the surgeries, he waited late for me to arrive at night, and then sent me for my blood labs right then (downstairs) and scheduled me for the very next morning. Boom, done. :) And there are a good couple of hotels right in the same complex. Food, everything you need right there.

If you're interested, just private message me and I'll give you his contact information.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2008, 06:24:33 AM by 9Wolf »


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