Author Topic: Got a biopsy done and have gyno.. 22yrs old and 190 pounds (steroids?)  (Read 4150 times)

Offline fallin85

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Not proud to admit that I have gyno... But, I believe it has occurred due to steroid use.

Please dont make this into a whole "dont do this or that" thread.

I came to this forum asking for advice on gynecomastia.

After the biopsy which was in October of 07, the size and puffyness decreased a lot. But, when looking in a mirror this is a noticeable difference of the right breast when compared to the 100% FLAT left breast.

I was told that gynecomastia sometimes effects only one breast while the other remains untouched?

My main question is: Is it bad to have such a thing removed? (in the long run?)

Second, since this was induced by steroids, would it come back again?
Keep in mind steroids were used only once (beginning of 07) and all blood and test results are normal.

thank you

Offline Sargent Pepper

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I really think you need to hit forums for an answer... I doubt the community here has the extensive information on hormones / anabolic use. However, I could be wrong.

Sorry, but I don't have an answer myself. Hope you find one though.

Offline jmxt2

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you can use steroids after the operation and it will not nesercerily come back however you MUST make sure your running things like a propper pct. what was your last cycle? tell me everything you ran,

Offline skyhawk

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Steroid induced gyne is becoming more common according to one of the surgeons. And yep, it can come back after surgery if you go back to using roids. There has been testimony on this site of that happening.

Offline fallin85

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you can use steroids after the operation and it will not nesercerily come back however you MUST make sure your running things like a propper pct. what was your last cycle? tell me everything you ran,

I actually ran a month long cycle of Havoc (which is supposed to reduce gyno)

The stuff worked as I got ripped and gained 15 pounds EASILY but, the after effects were horrible. I had a proper PCT but, i still got gyno on only my right breast.

I wont go back to steroids or any of the crap again from what has happened. I rather just eat more food and get pumped up.

So, If I was to get the surgery and get it moved, I would be fine?

I just find it odd that its only on my right breast... Biopsy came back as ok (forgot the term)

Offline jmxt2

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ohh seriouse m8!! sorry to hear that. just came to my answer due to the fact that i know of people that have had the op and have been bak on roids and had no problems. sounds to me ur vry gyno prone. Stay away from roids then and even over the counter test  boosters.

If your test levels etc are back to normal there is no reson why it should come back however 20/30/ reachin on older age 50+ years down the line u could get it again natraly. but who knows!?

"My main question is: Is it bad to have such a thing removed? (in the long run)" no

Offline dcvet

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Some people believe that HAVOC is a prohormone, but it's pretty much the same thing as Epitiostanol - an "antiestrogenic steroid" which is actually used to halt the progression of estrogen stimulated cancers.

To be very honest, using test would be safer, and provide better results.

You say that you did "proper" PCT?  What exactly was the PCT, when did you begin (2 days after cycle, one week?), and did you take anything other than the havoc throughout the cycle?

When exactly did the gyn show up - during cycle, one week after, etc?

Since the Gyn is relatively "new", there is a very good chance that you can rid yourself of it without surgery.

What tests did your blood work include, and did you get a copy of the results or did the DR. just tell you that you're normal?


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