Offline greeberet

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Hi guys,
    I have done my gyne surgery on the 22nd of FEB.
PS showed me 60gs of glands each and 500cc lipoed out liquids took it from my chest.
It's been a month and I went to see him today for further discussion. He told me surgery went good(Bullshit)
I didn't quite understand what went wrong. Did he took out enough glands?Did he missed anything? It's stuck in my mind.
Becasue, He took small plam sizes of 2 galnds which I've seen after the surgery. But you could see, he reduced 30% of its size. He didn't get rid of My gyne.

  I 'm frustrated to the death. I wasn't able to sleep and I coudln't get out of my house. The worst part of surgery was. I has so many fuids build up and It was sitting in my upper abs. I wasn't sleep for 12 days straight ! Darn it. What can i say further... I'm panicked like inmate who's waiting for the death sentence.  The surgery took him 3 hours  to finish it as far as my memory serves me right . I was even keep talking to him while I was unconious .... like Mr.bin please take the whole gands out blah..... Becasue I needed to remind him about getting rid of glands was so important to me.   So he won't miss any of them. Indeed, I guess he did his best job and that was what he supposed to do. I did not blame him. but I would say his skill wasn't good enough to take care of my gyne.

 During the first consultation,  He said I might need 2nd surgery due to its size. But Today I went to see him...He changed his words and he told me  that It was his mistake to say that i might need second surgery. He said He shouldn't have said that. He consdiered it was his virbal mistake from his mouth. What a joke. He didn't really think I'm in serious mental pain after the surgery. He seems he didn't give a  rat's ass about the result.He didn't care.. What a disappointment. It was so clear that he won't do revison If I come back 3 month later. It sounds like he has done his job according to him. Besides, He thinks surgery went good and I don't need a revision at all. Also He said It's not gonna be flat or normal after the revision,  How come he has changed his attitude after the surgery.  Anyway, I have founded the best surgeon in the country who performed more than 2,000 cases of gyne including more sever cases ..... so I will go and see him for revision.I will do whatever it costs .I wouldn't see my previous surgeon and If he would do it for free ,..I woudn;t see him again. Never

I'm calling for all Gyne experts to help me out.

My questions are follwings,

1. What do you think about my surgery?

2. When Could I get my revision done? (3month or 6month)
( I'm planning to cosult with number one surgeon in my country who specillizes in Gyne op.
  He has done more than 2,000 cases including severe case like me. I'm praying to god putting hands on my bible)

3. What seems to be the problem?  (Is it gland still there in outer chest (armpit region )?  Is gland could sitting in the armpit?
(as I said he showed me chicken nuggets 60gs each from my chest along with 500cc of lipoed liquids after the surgery,
I asked him to show me the glands and lipoed liquids, cuz I wanted to make sure everythings went alright)

4. Do I need "loose skin reduction" extra surgery? (Mastepoxy (spell?)or something)
 If It is necessary to take care of my Gyne, I will do whatever it costs

5. Rate my gyne ....

6. Please comment whatever you want to say to help me out.


« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 03:44:18 AM by greeberet »

Offline gynebegone2

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To be absolutely honest, the fact that he didn't take more fat out could work in your favor.

Right now, if you were to lipo all the fat, you would almost certainly be left with massive amounts of excess sagging skin.

Your best bet would be to loose some weight gradually over the next year or so your skin has time to tighten naturally.  Make sure you wear a compression vest/shirt etc, or the fold under your chest could become perminant and gravity is going to keep your skin from naturally shrinking.

Offline greeberet

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To be absolutely honest, the fact that he didn't take more fat out could work in your favor.

Right now, if you were to lipo all the fat, you would almost certainly be left with massive amounts of excess sagging skin.

Your best bet would be to loose some weight gradually over the next year or so your skin has time to tighten naturally.  Make sure you wear a compression vest/shirt etc, or the fold under your chest could become perminant and gravity is going to keep your skin from naturally shrinking.


Thank you .  But I'm so stressed out about my gyne, I'm seriously considering revision, so PS could do more extra excision on both glands plus taking care of my loose skins. I've heard PS cuts out areola and cuts left skins then he puts it back on my chest? Is this correct?  Also I've felt large glands from outside and lower side of my chest . (fibulous like gland ) I think PS  didn't make enough cuts on my gyne. I also would like to know about other peoples opinion on loose skin problems.   Please BE STAIGHT and throw some honest opinion on this matter.

Thank you once again, Please other guys comment my thread.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 09:00:23 AM by greeberet »

Offline gynebegone2

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YOU DONT WANT AN OPERATION THAT REQUIRES REMOVING LOOSE SKIN!  If you have loose skin removed, there will be major scaring...  You are only 1 month post op, so here is my suggestion.  Take the next 4-5 months to loose around 20lbs and see where your situation leaves you.  It appears to me that loosing weight will help you quite a bit.  This will accomplish two things..

1.  Your skin will retract naturally so that when and if you have a second procedure more tissue can be removed without major issues regarding sagging tissue.

2.  You and your surgeon will be in a much better postion to determine what should be done (ie gland/fat tissue).

To be honest, judging by your post op pics your chest seems to be consistant with your overall weight.  That is to say I would expect a man of your weight to have a chest like yours regardless of glandular tissue.  Your pre op pics did show a more prominant problem.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 12:40:48 PM by gynebegone2 »

Offline corporate97

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Dude, I need to be honest with you...
Your results are not that bad... I do know how you feel... I've been there!
And also, losing weigh will actually help you a lot!!

Besides, you after pics look ok... I wouldn't say you're a weirdo at all!
Try that first, you've got nothing to lose!!
After that, you see how it goes..!!

Offline greeberet

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Thanks guys,

I've got an answer from my Surgeon through his website. I will go and see him next month.
He explained that previous surgeon didn't take enough glands out due to sagging skin.
He was probably inexpereinced or scared that he might leave sagging loose skin by getting rid of glands. 

Also, I might need Loose skin reduction procedure with Areola(take it out, cuts skin , put in back)
It's something like internal skin lift. But guys, I 've been living with my chest about 28years and I know where the glands are. So I can tell that previous surgeon didn't take galds from outer side and lowerside of chest.
Also, guys belive me I have lost 10kgs-15kgs due to chest looked still same.

The worst thing is my mental pain. It's getting worse after the surgery.
I wish I could go for swimming and take my shirt off...But I can't


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