It's tough for parents, ESPECIALLY mothers, to accept that there might be something wrong with one of their children. Or a condition that causes them embarrassment, or low self esteem.
I went to my folks and told them I wanted to have this operation. Mom Started crying. Dad came to me later and told me "It would really hurt your mother if something were to go wrong with the operation." My dad had so many different operations that he looked like a zipper. It was OK for him to go under go the knife but not me.
So I waited. ( I'm 53 years old) My parents passed away 5 years ago. I had the surgery done 2 years ago in August. I feel so much better. I am coming to grip my weight issue (Low self-esteem) I got down to the desired weight for the operation (Walking/diet/no alcohol) I put the wight back on. But I am ready to make changes for the long term now.
I went to 5 different surgeons here on the west coast seeking opinions.
I chose
Dr. Delgado in Novato, California. He did a great Job. He performs the operation last 50 times a year. He knows what he is doing. I highly recommend him. His staff is excellent!
You younger guys, don't wait until your in your 30's, 40's, 50's to get this done. You only have one life.
Everyone deserves happiness!!
Go talk to your parents. Be upfront, direct and honest with them. If they realize this really bothers you, then they should be willing to help you out.
Good luck!!