Author Topic: May Help Others Agree to the Op  (Read 6455 times)

Offline Blue2

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Good question! My nips have gone a bit lumpy and irregular over the last few days but I confident that this is not the gyne. If it had have been it would have been apparent straight after surgery but as it has just slowly built up, I am convinced that it is just fluid / scar tissue building up. It changes on a daily basis, something that the gyne never did. I also trust my PS enough to believe that he took out all of what he needed to.  ;)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline Blue2

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 :D Yeah I realised that mate. I was just giving a run down of my own personal possition.  ;)

Offline darrend

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Mark i have a few lumps and bumps but they will go, Ross my chest was flat as a pancake after surgery so i assume all the gland was removed. I think we are all the same we have good and bad days, I'm a bit stiff and hard today but i was on the piss last night- Benito said don't drink- and i don't think it has helped me. Saying that i spend all day yesterday in a classroom with 13 guys and i was wearing a teeshirt and didn't fell self conscious although every now and again i was glancing down to see if my breasts were showing and then remembering the surgery lol. i got my before pics today from Benito and i was shocked to see how severe my gyne looked I'm so glad i got this done
It makes the pain so worthwhile .

Offline Blue2

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Are you going to share your pics with us darrend?  ;D

Offline Dan08

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Sorry peps i havent been here since i posted this thread..

First things first.. ROSS!! .. it would have been nice for u to ask me how bad my gyne was before callin me a c*nt and makin out my gyne was not bad .. im 6 weeks post op tomorrow so it shouldnt be much longer before my surgeon asks me in to take the after piks(i will upload as soon as i get them).. i would like to say that my surgeon told me it was one of the more server cases he has delt with! .. M8 i was bullied for years because of my gyne.. in the summer i would be the only kid wearin a jumper whilst all the others had there tops off sunbathin, playin footie and goin swimmin.
Also i went to the gym for 2yrs and got extreamly big but the gyne still sat on top of my muscle soo sayin 'some' people implyin 'me' could just go to the gym makes u the c*nt..  8)

All i am trying to say ROSS is that there are so many people that say how much the post op hurts when 70% of the time im sure everything is fine .. the reason you dont hear many success stories on here is because many people that had success dont bother posting as they are freed from gyne and therefore want to forget wot life was like with it! .. Ross wen some1 like me posts a 'success story' in the future mayb u could congratulate them.. i know that if i had read a post like mine pre op i would of had this op a long time ago!! :-X 

To all Others .. Thanks for the support .. a little bit off swelling now but nothin the 'bio oil' cant sort.. also the crease in my right nipple has now faded  (sorry to hear that some didnt have it as easy as me but im sure things will all turn out 2 be gd ;) )

irish lad

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Offline another_case

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bkkross: Going back to your general scar tissue question and how you can tell if it is scar tissue or not. The area of scar tissue I have is very hard on both sides, the gyne/fat was very soft when I had it. I also have a crease where the scar tissue starts, something I never had with the gyne. That's the main difference, also the fact I have been for 2 check-ups with Dr. Benito after surgery and the last one (7 weeks post op) I asked him about it and he said it was scar tissue and nothing to worry about. He explained that the wound heals from the middle of the chest to the outside (so basically from the area of your chest pretty much inline with your belly button towards your arms). Unfortunately I have to place a lot of trust in what he says and you have to have faith in your surgeon that he's not bullshitting you basically! He didn't seem concerned in the slightest when he looked at me so if he's not them I'm not.

Offline Dan08

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Ross .. GRow up, Be a man and hack the pain .. quit ur winein fella ;).

Like iv read before .. A few peps have it hard and unfortunatly your one of em .. stop bein a 'c*nt' as my statement has fek all to do wit u..  At the end of the day we're all gyne freee  ;D

Nice one Irish  :-*

irish lad

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dan08..i agree totally in what your are saying.. people are on this for help and all storys wheter they are from people with an extreme case or a minor case of gyne succesful or not are a big help to people like me who didnt go through with the op yet and it gives them a general idea of what to expect.. especcially if a case of gyne might be similar to their own... i mean i 100 per cent appriciate everyone who has got the surgery done and still gives up the time to come back and post their experiences and help others out at the end of the day some choose never to return again but you cant blame them either as they want to forget about gyne completly.. i will be doing the exact same posting my experience to help people in my current position as best i can ..

bbkross... give it a rest you seem very arguementitive and very prone to verbally abuse people as i also found out.. again bbkross you are a gold member start acting like it


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