Author Topic: Just found out I have gynecomastia  (Read 3220 times)

Offline pitmanr2003

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Ok I will tell my story.  Around a month ago i started having a pain in my right nipple.  I thought I had just hit it on something, but after  a couple of weeks it didnt go away and the fact that breast cancer is very bad in the woman in my familly i decided to have it checked out.  I went to doctor and he said it didnt feel like cancer, but it needed to be checked out so he scheduled me a mamogram.  Needless to say this is kind of embarissing to me being i thought only woman had mamograms.  I had mamogram done friday and they let me know that I had gynecomastia in my right chest.  They couldnt give me a reason why being I didnt use any drugs or any other things that I quess cause it.  I am 32 years old and have gained around 40lbs in the last 4 years so I just thought I had what most overweight people have and that is man boobs I call it.  visually it isnt noticeable at all, but it is unconfortable it touched or bumped into. 

Here is what they were concerned with.  My sister just got done with kimo for breast cancer and i have 2 aunts that have breast cancer and all have the brak 1 gene that can be transmitted to kids.  They said being I have the history of breast cancer in my family that I am at a high risk to get it and that I need to have gene test done and have mamogram done yearly unless I decide to get it removed.  I want it removed being it hurts. 

I used to work out around 6 years ago and at that time did do a cycle of steroids.  It was a mild cycle and I used clomid after words to keep from having any side affects.  Surely one cycle couldnt have done this to me and it was so long ago, but I have to wander.  I used decadurabolin and dinabol.  I think that is the names of them.  I just dont know why this happened.  I quess I am confused and worried. 

I quess I shouldnt worry about it and figure out what I need to do to be safe.  So what do you all think I should do first?  could there be any other thing causing this.  The doctors didnt seem to think I had anything to worry about other than the fact that breast cancer runs in my family.  Let Me know what you all think is my first step in getting past this.


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Ok I will tell my story.  Around a month ago i started having a pain in my right nipple.  I thought I had just hit it on something, but after  a couple of weeks it didnt go away and the fact that breast cancer is very bad in the woman in my familly i decided to have it checked out.  I went to doctor and he said it didnt feel like cancer, but it needed to be checked out so he scheduled me a mamogram.  Needless to say this is kind of embarissing to me being i thought only woman had mamograms.  I had mamogram done friday and they let me know that I had gynecomastia in my right chest.  They couldnt give me a reason why being I didnt use any drugs or any other things that I quess cause it.  I am 32 years old and have gained around 40lbs in the last 4 years so I just thought I had what most overweight people have and that is man boobs I call it.  visually it isnt noticeable at all, but it is unconfortable it touched or bumped into. 

Here is what they were concerned with.  My sister just got done with kimo for breast cancer and i have 2 aunts that have breast cancer and all have the brak 1 gene that can be transmitted to kids.  They said being I have the history of breast cancer in my family that I am at a high risk to get it and that I need to have gene test done and have mamogram done yearly unless I decide to get it removed.  I want it removed being it hurts. 

I used to work out around 6 years ago and at that time did do a cycle of steroids.  It was a mild cycle and I used clomid after words to keep from having any side affects.  Surely one cycle couldnt have done this to me and it was so long ago, but I have to wander.  I used decadurabolin and dinabol.  I think that is the names of them.  I just dont know why this happened.  I quess I am confused and worried. 

I quess I shouldnt worry about it and figure out what I need to do to be safe.  So what do you all think I should do first?  could there be any other thing causing this.  The doctors didnt seem to think I had anything to worry about other than the fact that breast cancer runs in my family.  Let Me know what you all think is my first step in getting past this.

Moobs or Man Boobs is a common public term for gynecomastia.

Tender male breasts that are not the result of trauma or infection are usually a sign of breast stimulation and growth.  New breast tenderness at your age should be evaluated.   Male Mammograms can be one of several Tests Used for Gynecomastia.  Endocrinologists are doctors who evaluate causes of Gland Growth.  Male Breast Cancer is quite rare, but does occur.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline pitmanr2003

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so is it possible that the one cycle of steroids several years ago could have caused this.  I have already had it checked out, but im more concerned about what caused it and what i need to have checked out right now to make sure im safe.  I will then have it removed if I can get my insurance to cover it, which I would think they would being the risk in my family for breast cancer and the pain in it. 

Offline dcvet

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The combination of deca and dbal without a base of testosterone and proper PCT are a recipe for disaster.  I did an oral only cycle of dbal many years ago and ended up making my existing gyn worse in one nip. 

If the gyn just recently showed up, it isnt likely that its from a cycle done four years ago.  More information would help though.

How long were you on cycle, how large were the doses, how often did you take them, did you run an AI during the cycle, how much clomid afterwards and for how long? Did you notice any tenderness in your nips back then?

Also, did you feel normal after the cycle? i.e. Sense of well being, libido, ability to maintain an erection?

What were your gains like from the cycle and how long after the cycle did you lose them if so?

Offline pitmanr2003

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i cant remember the exact cycle amount, but I only took it for around 4 weeks to 6 weeks.  one shot a week and I cant remember how often I took the dbol.  I was wrong.  it has been 7 years ago.  And to be honest I thought the stuff may have been fake because I didnt feel any different.  I got sick during it and had to cut it shorter than normal, but i took the clomid like I was advised to on weightlifting message board and by other trainers and bodybuilders.  Im not to concerned with the gyno being to me it isnt even that noticeable.  Just looks like every other overweight guy to me.  I just concerned that it could be caused by something else or my body isnt producing enough testosterone. I guess basicly I feel like something is wrong with me that has to be causing this.  The doctors at the breast center where i had mamogram said the first step was to get a test to see if I have the cancer gene i beleive its brak 1 or brak 2.  My sister has the more serious brak 1 that can be transmitted to your children.  Then after that I can decide if I want it removed or not.  Me personally I would like it removed being it is tender. 


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