Author Topic: 2 years ago, not good results (si alguen habla español mucho mejor)  (Read 16306 times)

Offline dr.darkmind

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hi, this is my first post, i saw a video on youtube and i saw this amazing site, well the thing is it...
im mexican, so sorry for my english..

allmost 2 years ago i got an a pseudogynecomastia surgery, that means that they didnt extirped me the mammary gland, just the fat i had in that site, well, i used the post-gynecomastia vest, for 6 months, after that i really saw the difference, i have to say that my problem wasnt so big, but you know, the school, the others guys are really bad, the used to make jokes about me, so i took the desition.... i'm 21 years i was 19 when i got the surgery, and yeah, the results were there, but, i also used to go to the gym and make some work out, especially in the chest, so that made my problem a little more notable and bigger, whatever... actually im not satisfied with the results, my doctor said that i had to do some work out more, she said that i was young and the problem will diapear if i would be carefull whit what i eat, so i did it, my fisiology makes me loose and winn wheinght fast... as i loos i winn. all about what i eat, or if i do exersice or something, but cause my school doesnt give me time, im studing medicine, and it takes allmost all my time,...
when i touch my neaples i can fell flacid, but recently i can fell something more, and i know is not gland, i know it, if i contract my chest muscle the i see my self more normal, at least i used to do that for the last 2 years before my surgery, but now, i dont see so much difference, i feel that the problem is comming back...

there are my pics taken this night, i dont have a past pics, they where all erased, (may be some kidn of psyquical thing),

can anybody tell me what to do, i started (once again), to do exercice, to loos (again) wheight, but this time i0m not sure if the results could be the same than after my operation...
sorry my english sucks,...

Bueno lo puedo explicar mejor en español si alguien me entiende asi, es que por mas que hago ejercicio, de verdad noveo muchos resultados, ya me hice la cirugia, fue poca en realidad la grasa que me sacaron, y 6 meses despues si vi que habia mejorado, pero el cambio solo se notaba cuando tenia los musculos contraidos, de lo contrario aun se veian salietes mis pechos, ahora, pues no puedo hacer ejercicio regularmente por mi escuela,l ygano y pierdo peso con facilidad, un mes que dure haciendo dieta y ejercicio regular pierdo entre 3 y 6 kilos,  pero los vuelvo a ganar con facilidad, y me da miedo que otra vez me llene de grasa, si me toco el pecho peudo sentir en las zonas donde lipoaspiraron que esta flacido, es lo que me anima a hacer ejercicio, pero pasa el tiempo y siento que esta regresando...

que opinan ustedes...

aqui dejo las fotos...
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 05:37:23 AM by dr.darkmind »

Offline matthew1

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I do not see a problem at all with your chest

Offline mmaman

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que va. me parece bueno.  esta de pie con confianza.  no miento


Offline Paa_Paw

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I too find nothing wrong with what I see in those photos.
Grandpa Dan

Offline The_G0rn

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Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline dr.darkmind

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You guys really make me fell better, cause, maybe that feeling is cause i dont do exersice, i started this week, and i hope i could feel bettler, besides, some guys,(all of them kids), started to do jokes about me again, sure the didnt know me before my surgery..

Offline beachlovermx

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Vamos hombre, yo tampoco se de qué te quejas, si los que estamos en este foro tuviéramos tu pecho no habrà de que hablar.

Offline johnnybot

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Offline Bottesini

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To my point of view you have absolutely nothing...

Offline Redman88

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Te ves muy bien, tienes el pecho perfectamente normal, ahora si lo quieres mejor pues supongo que dandole al gym, no?
Surgery booked for July 27th 2009, can't wait!

Offline awegynec

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Tio lo tienes perfecto......!!!!! solo te falta ejercicio. ( yo llevo años matandome a pectorales, y tendre un volumen de 2 centimetros.....)

es paciencia. espero cuando me opere me quede tan bien como a ti.... aunque tengo mas musculo. pero estas perfecto no te preocupes.

procura hacer ejercicio y no comer mierda.

Offline dr.darkmind

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:/ OMG, i'm going to post a new topic about me u.u unfurtanetely 6 years later gyne is back :/


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