Author Topic: severe case  (Read 3791 times)

Offline bjonathan

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So here are pictures of my breasts after a loss of 60 pounds (I can't believe i'm posting these pictures on the Internet) I received 3 diagnosis since 13 yo that it's a real gyne with adipose tissues although i feel there is a lot less than before.  So you'll see that my left breast is bigger than the right and actually it's nearer of my belly button than my neck. I have these hitching things around my nipples that hurts a lot at night. I can't run or jump because i feel that my skin's gonna be torn apart around the neck. On the second picture, I held my arms up so you can see the breast tissues and the fat going under my armpits.

Offline CodySockeye

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Yeah, your case is very severe. I think the only way that'd go away is with surgery, but more weight loss might help a little bit.

Offline Hellboy

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looks painful, more weight loss and a PS.

Offline bjonathan

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I'm working on the weight!! But you know, after all I've been throught, i doesn't really matter for me what i'll look naked.. I only just want to be comfortable with what i see in the miror fully clothed.

Offline kingboob

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Mine were about that size if not slightly bigger, I was also massively obese and then lost a lot of weight (200lbs +).

There IS hope, I have had my first surgery and I now look great in a shirt, I can exercise without being worried..... I am now hoping to have it tidied up and my nipple size reduced.

Weight loss will help make them smaller... but in my personal experience that just made them more saggy (IE: nipples pointing to the floor) and thinner, unfortunately they didn't just shrink away........

Also  the thing is with us guys who have proper breasts, quite often the skin is badly stretched and really you have to be ready to accept you will have some kind of scar after removal, as it will be skin excision, not just a quick lipo case............. how bad the scar depends on what you choose and how well you heal.

There is some good info on this site:

keep going with the weight loss and then find a good surgeon; I can recommend one if you are from England.

Offline bjonathan

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I'm just wondering how much could it cost the remove them??

Offline bbopman200

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My case is as bad as this....Who did your surgery Kingboob ad how much was it?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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The only treatment for your severe case would be surgery.  You still appear to be overweight.  My best recommendation is to lose as much weight as possible and then stabilize at that weight for a minimum of 6-12 months.  Then consider surgery.

If you perform surgery now, and then lose more weight, your surgical results will suffer.

Good luck -- losing weight is a really tough road.

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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