Author Topic: Sports Bras Or Any Bras  (Read 23672 times)


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i'm a young man with very pronounced gynecomastia..not man boobs ..very developed breasts that really need support ..sports bras are very restrictive un comfortable .. have found bras with cups more supportive .i wear a 38 c bra most the time ..soft cups the most comfortable, micro fiber or cotton..  under wires the most supportive but they take some getting use too ..and uw bras really show off what you got ..but they are the most supportive. most the time i wear a bra under baggie shirts and no one knows unless i tell them ..a lady friend has been very helpful and supportive.. buys me bras so i won't have to be so embarresed shopping in the womens dept ..she thinks i look better supported ..and i feel more comfortable that's for sure
so guys if you got em support them  it's only under wear  ..bras not for just women any more ..

Good for you!!!  I agree 100% !!!!!!

Offline Bobcat54

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The ACE bandage or vest route is WAY too uncomfortable for the active working guy.
A bra is a piece of clothing designed to support and give comfort.
Why not try it? If it works, carry on and enjoy life.

Offline caps

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I've been having a hard time accepting a bra is the better way to go too but I think that would be far more comfortable than an ACE bandage.  Its just trying to get up enough courage to go to the mall and start trying some on.  From what I've read, underwire bras tend to give the most support and comfort but I'm not entirely sure to be honest.

I've tried ACE bandages.  Worked for about 5 minutes, then just slides down my torso, because there are no shoulder straps.

Sorry guys, but the truth is nothing works like a bra.  We need to just start admitting it.  All the other stuff just isn't meant to support breasts...male or female. period.

Offline Bman41

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Honestly, makes complete sense.... 

I've been having a hard time accepting a bra is the better way to go too but I think that would be far more comfortable than an ACE bandage.  Its just trying to get up enough courage to go to the mall and start trying some on.  From what I've read, underwire bras tend to give the most support and comfort but I'm not entirely sure to be honest.

I've tried ACE bandages.  Worked for about 5 minutes, then just slides down my torso, because there are no shoulder straps.

Sorry guys, but the truth is nothing works like a bra.  We need to just start admitting it.  All the other stuff just isn't meant to support breasts...male or female. period.

Offline caps

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Honestly, makes complete sense.... 

Thank you kind sir. 

I guess I've gotten to a point in my life (50 now) that it doesn't make sense to keep ignoring the truth.  I think it was PawPaw that said something like [paraphrasing] "all the guys on here that say it's dumb for a guy to wear a bra, are the guys who simply just don't need one themselves", which I agree with completely.  Funny that they would even be on this site, claiming to have G, when they don't even need a bra.  Go figure.

Other people on here say that it's probably just psuedo-G, and not real gyno.  I can't help but wonder, what the hell does it matter if it's real breast tissue, or just fat?  It's still there, and it's still bouncing around!  IMHO, a bra will help real G, or pseudo-G the same.  Am I wrong here?

And the guys on here that really irk me, are the ones that bad mouth the rest of us for even thinking about wearing a bra.  Like I said, they probably don't even need one, because if they had real Gyno, they would need a bra, and wouldn't be bad mouthing the rest of us.

(sorry....climbing off my soap box now)



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Here Here!!!!!!  Well said!!!!!    Thank You!!!!!! 8)

Offline sdwnymph

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I've been wearing one since I was 16 (34 now) and just guessed by my moms size at 1st. I used to be alot skinnier than I am now (was 36 pants and 38b) but when gained weight had to get new bras.. I found that I went to Lane Bryant and "acted normal" instead of a "deer in headlights", they actually helped me with measurements and everything (now 44b underwire demi). Just be normal... dont be shy and scared of persicution... be nike "Just do it". And now that I know my size.. I can go into stores or online to find the ones I like (I know a few sites), for me though its hard because my size is a hard to find size. Good luck to those that get over the "society bs" and just go for it, to the others... get over it, if it feels right... let them do it and not persicute.

Offline johnny125

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I find that all bras fit differently even when you know your proper size. It's trial and error. I look for bras with at least some stretch in the band and the straps to make up for those differences.
And when I do find the perfect bra for me, all too often the style is discontinued when I want to buy more.

Offline jsboob

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have you tried womens running tops that have built in support? I use these, they just look like lycra T shirts. In the summer I often wear this only on top when Im out bike riding. At work I just wear a regular T over the top.

Offline Bman41

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I have found one, but it is a L, really need a XL, but it really was more comfortable, but the seams are thick so I can't really hide it under anything.  But it is comfortable in the chest.

I haven't found a simple basic black one with a built in bra yet.  They all have colors or markings or something on it. 

Offline jsboob

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do a google on womens running tops, or have a look around a running clothing store. Im sure you must have some near you, Im in uk & there are plenty!
Also try some of the online womens sports suppliers such as "girls run too"

Good luck,

Offline jsboob

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here an example of the kind of thing I wear:   and:

This company has several of these types of tops in plain colour/style.They have built in sports bras.

Offline Bman41

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Relatively tight?  That is what I am looking for, most if I do find are racer back and not sure how well those would be seen or not or if it would look odd if it did. 

Offline Bman41

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Here is something:

But a note from someone who has some experience with flash photography, the reflective strips on garments like this WILL be seen on a picture with a flash, probably not the time you want it to be noticed....


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