Author Topic: BlarneyStoner's Photos  (Read 3529 times)

Offline Blarneystoner

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These are my photos. Sorry, no pre-op. Yes, that's right, these are post op  :'(. I am 16 years old and these are 1 week + 4 days post op. I know, you might say it's swelling, but my surgeon says it's not. He acted like this is a successful surgery. He says final results in a month. If it's not swelling then what could change at this point? I didn't have the balls to say anything but in a month at the final visit I am going to demand answers and possibly a very short notice revision surgery (before I go away all summer).

BTW, the clear picture on here from far away is when I am cold but it usually looks 10x worse.

I can assure you my pre op would look virtually the same as these post op. He said he removed a heckofa lot of gland from both sides. Was he telling the truth?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2005, 07:12:06 PM by Blarneystoner »
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline toronto

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dude these pictures are so out of focus it's hard to tell anything..

only the last one is clear..and from that one you look flat..

why are your incisions so big?

Offline nukem2k5

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There's probably a macro mode on your camera.  Enable it before you take pics that close.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure what to tell you  :-/  Sorry to say, it doesn't look like he did a very good job.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline jc71

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Give it some more time.

I see the puffiness on the 2nd and 3rd pics.  

If it doesn't improve, go back and raise hell.  

I'm dizzy looking at those pics.

It sucks, but several guys have revision surgery.

Good luck

Offline Spleen

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Woulda been way better to have pre-op pix for comparison.  

Still, it seems way to early to say anything definitive.  Wait 3 months.  

Offline downsbs

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I would complain about it, in the first pic your case looks alot like mine.  I would not be satisfied with the results considering how much this surgery cost.  JMO  :)
I got one sweet breast.  Grrrr.

Offline toronto

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this guy is also like a week and a half post op...let him heal at first before making any assesments...he can't go in for a revision now anyhow...

Offline rcbrown23

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  • Posts: 700's what I have to say. With incisions that big, I don't see any way he didn't take out the gland. He could have lifted the nipple up and it'd all be right there.

I think that it is post op swelling/scar tissue. You didn't wear ANY compression. I remember you saying right after your operation that you were ecstatic about the results. That was you right? What did it look like then? Did it look the same as it did pre, just flat? or could you see that the contours of your chest were altered a bit? or both?

Here's why I ask. After my lipo only operation, my chest looked flat...almost caved in flat. The contours were still the same, though, except I could see a slight difference on one side, where the "cut" that my muscle makes from peck to abdomin was a bit higher. Well after a couple of days, my chest started taking it's usual form, which was a good thing, except that my nips were also taking their old form. As time passed I realized that all the lipo did was temporarily "squish" the gland so it looked flat for a couple of days, then it took it's true form.

Where I did see that contour difference, the gland was gone. So the lipo got about half of the gland on one side, and none on the other. Does that make any sense at all? It's hard to explain. I'm think I'm saying that if the contours where changed just after the op, then the gland was gone.

You say that it doesn't feel as hard as it did pre op...then it's scar tissue. Ask for cortisone shots BEFORE you get upset about the results. Get the shots and wait 14 days for improvement. You won't see ANY difference from day one to ten ,then all of the sudden the scar tissue will disolve from the shots. It works fast, but it takes awhile to kick in.

Your not even two weeks post, so keep your spirits up and wait it out.


Offline Blarneystoner

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but you guys don't understand. it just keeps getting worse and worse. in fact, i think at this point, it's WORSE than before. My surgeon said himself that my areolas swelling was hormonal and would go away on it's own (thanks for waiting till after surgery to tell me that!) which i KNOW is a lie. He said he removed a lot of gland. He also said that the swelling was not liquid. JUST HORMONAL. I know he's wrong. I have to get this fixed before summer because i'm going away for months. If i'm gonna do something then it has to be damn soon. i told my parents and showed them. they agreed with me and are going to call the surgeon. if i get a revision, is it wise to go to the same surgeon? would he just darn it up again? why the darn did I have to get a bad surgeon. WHY ME?! he said he would make me flat but i guess he lied  :'(.

look at the second picture and you'll see that i still have fucking bitch breasts.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2005, 10:27:17 AM by Blarneystoner »

Offline toronto

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your a week and half post could be swelling..if it was fine right after surgery i doubt your gland has grown in that quick..

your surgeon sounds like a compression? that's the first time i've heard that..and your incisions seem to be a little bigger than he's telling you hormone nonsense...

regardless, there's nothing u can do about it right now, no one is going to operate on you anytime soon..

Offline Blarneystoner

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he said it wasn't swelling though. if i go back in a month and it's like this i'm demanding immediate short notice revision revision  >:(.

Offline toronto

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he also said don't use compression..he doesn't sound very bright..

ur areola was flat at first right? i could be wrong..but could hormones make them puffy again in 10 days? common sense tells me no, but if i'm wrong, someone please correct me

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Could you post clearer pics please....

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics


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