Author Topic: dr benito.. post experience.. now with 3 day nd 3week post op pictures..  (Read 14434 times)

Offline kingboob

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So Irish how are you doing then?   The 3rd week picture looks like you have got a good result, you have gone from having quite noticeable manboobs to having a normal looking chest......

Certainly there is some healing still to go I would imagine, but it looks as though it is going well..

Are you happier than you were or what?

irish lad

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well king hows a goin?

im doing ok now back doing weights full time now without any probs,a bit sore when extend arms with weights for an excercise such as shoulder press but i can bench fine...

my result well theirs still a gyne look of my chest when i wear certain t-shirts mostly on the left side but this is where i had lipo and benito said he had to be aggresive on this side.. i still have some scar tissue under both nipples more so the left chest is not completly flat yet but is a lot better than before what i am experienceing is what i hope is swelling because id would be a bit disapointed if my chest stayed the way it is because benito told me it would be 100 per cent flat.. but none the less il give it the whole 6months before i make my final decsion on the results im also going to see benito the 25th of july for a check up so il know better my condition then ;)

Offline Jim1985

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How´s it going Irishlad. The results look great, mate. A real improvement. You look to have lost weight too.

The swelling should hopefully go down for you. My chest seems to have improved quite a bit since my op, which was two months ago now. There was a bit of creasing on my chest at first, but that´s gone away slowly. I wasn´t happy with how my nipples looked post op (I had a nipple incision too), but they are improving (very) slowly. My chest feels uneven to touch it, but it is beginning to look more even. I know we´ve all been told this time and time again, but it really is a waiting game. I wish the healing would hurry up though.

Hope you´re still doing well, let us know how the follow up with Benito goes.
Surgery 2nd April with Dr. Benito.

irish lad

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wel mate everythings going good.. thanks their is huge improvement but my chest is still not as flat as id like and still gives of a gyne look even tough all scar tissue appears to be gone except directly under the left nipple where their seems to be a few lumps.. how can you tell if its swollen? does it give of a certain feel to touch or does it look a certain way? i lost the weight their about 2 months pior to my op not on purpose but i just was at my lowest point with gyne back then i am now back in the gym full time trying to get my muscle back very hard work lol :D..

thats good to hear jim.. you should get your pics up.. im kind of keen to see how your result is coming along lol...

will do mate.. hope to go over this month but the money situation aint the best so il have to start saving

Offline equium

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irish lad

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quite good looks like its getting a lot better..bruising completly gone only have the small excission marks on both sides under pain what so get my 2 month post op pics up soon..hows it goin for yourself bud??? ;)

Offline equium

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I'm doing well - no bruising, no pain, bit of scar tissue obviously but I'm chuffed with my chest. Been out topless loads of times, feels so damn good. I need to hit the gym though, wanna get ride of my love handles and belly fat. Really need to intensify my cardio workouts.

Would be interested to see your post op pics, i've posted updated versions on my thread, i'm going to get rid of them soon though because i dont like posting pics of myself on the internet. You dont know who's snooping around looking at them.....Levick.....

irish lad

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great news post my pics sometime next week im really busy at the moment and il dobth il get much time before sunday!!!

ye il pop over to your thread now and have a look!!!! :)


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