Author Topic: good surgeons  (Read 4725 times)

Offline bigbiffa

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can anyone reccomend a surgeon in the UK to remove gyno. I don't just want just the lipo as i heard this is not that good but i was wanting full gland removed. Does anyone know of any decent UK based surgeons?


Offline kingboob

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Been done by Mr Paul Levick myself.  Highly recommended by me  ;D

The priory hospital (BMI healthcare)
Priory Road
West Midlands
B5 7UG

    01527 577675

Offline bigbiffa

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thanks mate. could you tell me how much roughly your surgery was?  Heard it is cheaper going abroad but really i wanted to stay in the uk for surgery if possible, if there is a big differnce in price i am more than willing to go abroad though..
I am new to this site and just looking for a list of good surgeons and rough prices so i can contact them.


« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 07:01:32 AM by bigbiffa »

Offline kingboob

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There is the catch, private surgery in this country is going to cost basically £4000.  :-\

Abroad I believe you can get it much cheaper, I mean some people went to Poland  :o  and spent around £1500....... others have been to Spain (the surgeon consults in London though) and that costs about £2700 all in.       

You also have to factor in the price of a revision should the original surgery not go to plan, which OK is unlikely but it is worth remembering. - Lets say the surgeon doesn't get rid of all the boob first time around..... well with the cheaper options you end up paying full price again, with the more expensive (BMI hospitals / Levick) you get the revision free of charge if you need it,  peace of mind basically.

If you have a big case of man boobs you might want to try the NHS (again?), just bear in mind that unless you are virtually anorexic they are going to tell you to lose weight first - Weight loss doesn't remove the breast tissue / hard lumpy stuff if you have it, just any fat.   

Offline Toby1971

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Went with Karidis in London myself & am very glad I did. Got an excellent result. Quite a few other people on here have used him too. Just have a read through all the threads & use the search function.

To be honest I don't really stop by here very often these days, gyne is basically forgotten I can concentrate on all of life's other problems  ;D

Offline bigbiffa

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Just had an email off dr benito and he said its gona be £4200 + fees?  seems cheaper in this country?
how much was the op with Karidis?

Basically my problem is i am a competative bodybuilder so they take 1 look at me and blame steriods. i have had these lumps since teens though? I am busy trying to get my doc to refer me for surgery but he seem reluctant!

Offline Toby1971

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I was £4K with Karidis in December 2007 (+ initial consultation which was £50 but think its £75 now).

Private surgeons tend not be as judgmental as NHS GPs etc. Best thing you could do is get a consultation. I only went to Karidis but some people go for consults with 2 or 3 of the top surgeons.

Offline equium

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I recommend Benito - i was sceptical about going abroad but he knows his stuff and will do a good job. Not sure where you got a figure of £4200, I paid 2800! Unless he's suddenly charging more because he's realised how much others are charging...

Offline bigbiffa

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yeah from price people on here have said for dr.benito is around £2600-£2800? has anyone had surgery done on nhs? are they as good as private surgeons?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 10:41:54 AM by bigbiffa »

irish lad

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from what i hear on these boards since iv been hear the nhs are hit and miss with most cases being mist!! id recommend private as would most people on this board

Offline kingboob

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To be honest I would have nothing against going the NHS route.... the problem is all the waiting lists and hoops to jump through to get it done........ the surgeons are actually great, as are most the docs in the NHS, problem is all the other crap that goes with it.

I would ask your GP about the NHS first if you are happy to wait and fight / push a bit for surgery.

Offline bigbiffa

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what would your approach be to getting it done on the NHS..  say it is sore or just depressed?

i have seen 3 doctors  now and none want to refer me to a surgeon? they blame my steriod history, funny thing is it even shows on my records i had it from age of 15 years old, nearly ten years before i touched a steriod!


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