Author Topic: gynecomastia regrowth from my laptop radation / heat  (Read 4103 times)

Offline Gyno 44

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Im on my laptop about 6 -7 hrs a day for work, i dont use a desk, i use my lap or my chest when laying down, i had surgery and experienced regrowth in 3 months. I asked my Doc if its possible if i got it from the heat / radiation from my laptop and the wifi
 and he said it could be  but unlikley. Im asking this because my hormone test cam back normal so im thinking this could of caused it ?

what do you gyus think

Offline Pragmatic

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Trust your doc. While there have been studies regarding radiation from cell phones and wifi, it's doubtful that this is the cause.

There is some evidence that the increase in earlier breast development in pre-pubescednt girls is from estrogens in the water and food chain. It's possible that that combined with the largely sedentary lifestyle, and increase in calories per day is contributing to male gynecomastia too.

If you're just looking for the root cause to justify your insurance paying for your surgery, you may never be able to prove it's a hormone imbalance. It's clear that it's important to you. Try exercising as much as possible to minimize the gyne, and then go have the surgery whether or not your insurance will pay for it. You're investing in yourself.

Offline Gyno 44

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i have 7 percent body fat and workot 10 + hours a week.

its gotta be from the laptop

Offline Hefner33

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that is the biggest myth every told they said if you put a labtop on your chest or balls bad things would happen like this don't believe it. Urban myth
"I can Do ALL Things Through him who Strengthens Me"

Offline Gyno 44

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i d k man, radiation from the wifi card weather external or internal on the comp does give off radiation even tho its low

Offline iwannabefree

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dude, that happens to me also. i get that tingly kind of feeling if i leave my laptop on my chest/ upper stomach region for too long. - usually WHEN sitting on a very comfy sofa. - i think it just heat which simulates the tissue, i hope its not growth, i normally shrug it away by massaging my chest muscles around the moob. but since it caused regrowth in your case, i'm gonna be very careful from now about where i place my laptop cuz i can barely conceal my moobs enough to life i'd say 60% normal life (big number bczu of my determination and will, would be much smaller for ppl with smaller hearts and big moobs like me).

Offline iwannabefree

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btw, heffner 33. UR WRONG about it being a myth. putting it near ur balls is sooooooooooo not good simply bcuz it makes them MUCH HOTTER than they are meant to be --> direct effect.

another ill effect is radiation and several indirect effects which ppl with many PHDs working in research labs can prove.

Offline Hefner33

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if i find the article i will show you it is proven at some big time university

Offline Gyno 44

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please do cuz im at a lost for what cause the regrowth

Offline Jay999

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Sounds unlikely, but the fact that a lot of cases of gyne, especially in your case are idiopathic, means there are reasons it occurs that we don't know. Just so happens radiation could be one however unlikely it sounds.

How about not putting the laptop on your chest to see if that helps?  ::)

Offline Gyno 44

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yeah im gonna go for a revision, im gonna pay to ether go to bermant or pope since i live right in between both of them, im gonna ask them to take out the whole gland that way it doesnt regrow.

Im gonna give it 9 months ... to make sure its not scar tissue


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