Author Topic: It's Time  (Read 2480 times)

Offline GE

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So here I find myself on the internet reading about my gynecomastia again. I'm 43 and have suffered for all these years. On one hand I feel like I have gone this long and the other I feel like I must do something.

I have been a very active person over the years and I have found that when I really get serious into my running or working out it only makes the "problem" look bigger.

The biggest thing driving me is I have three small children all under 8. I feel like if I don't do something I will cause them embarrassment in the future. ... Scratch that.. I'm sure I will cause them embarrassment.

I would rate myself about a 5/10. My wife has never said anything;however, I don't say anything to her about the lack of breast she has. I love her - she loves me so I guess it goes unsaid.

My biggest question is should I confide in her or just go get it done?

Offline Pragmatic

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She's your partner and is supportive of you. Talk to her, and let her know it's important to your self-image. If you have the money, or can get a loan, it's a small price to pay. I'm sure that she'll support your decision. Good luck.

Offline boobnoob

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I think you should talk to her about it, even though it seems weird being unspoken after all these years.

Offline Noseguard

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I am 40 and just had my surgery 9 weeks ago.

My wife went through it with me.  We never really discussed it either, but like you I knew she was aware of my condition. I too have kids, 7 & 9 yrs old, and had the same concerns.

I told her once I booked my consultation.  Told her, it was just to "fact find", that broke the ice.  She was supportive, and a big help with the surgery day and first couple days after.

She liked the old me, but what woman wouldn't like a sexier husband.  She never has come out and said it, but she likes the the new look.

Tell your wife you are looking into the issue and possible remedies. Don't jump to the surgery discussion just yet.  Progress to it.  You may find as I did that when you do finally discuss it openly it gets unexpectedly very emotional.

Good Luck.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I would not dream of committing enough money to have surgery without consulting my wife. Even if you do not agree and you have the surgery anyhow, She has a right to know and express an opinion.

I am reasonably certain that if I did want to have surgery, My bride would be supportive and help to cover the cost.

If you want respect from her, you must give some to her. The flow has to be both ways. A reservoir that never gets filled, has no water to yield up.

The same would be true if you wanted to put money down on something else, Like a new car for example.
Grandpa Dan

Offline GE

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The very "matter of fact" advice I was looking for.So many times we know in our gut what path to take and we just need someone to repeat it back to us.

I think one part of me has always wanted to deal with this embarrassment and I just wanted to maybe slip off and off it done without having to confide in anyone.

Of course, the more I thought about I had as much chance of coming home unnoticed as her coming home with a new set of 36D's   ::)

Noseguard, knowing that your situation appears to be very similar, I appreciate you stepping up and giving me you two cents worth.

boobnoob,Pragmatic, & Paa_Paw I really appreciate you guys stepping in also.

This is a conversation I have been needing to have a long time and just didn't have anyone to confide in.

Again, Thanks!!


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