Author Topic: Out of the Shadows  (Read 2582 times)

Offline irish_dude

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I’m 35 now and somehow I feel like I need to post here in some kind of ‘AA’ type confession as I feel this will be the first step in sorting my problem of excess chest-fat. This is my first ever public admission about my problem. You can’t believe how happy I was to find this forum.

Apologies in advance if I’m posting in the wrong forum, but as I’m in Ireland, I felt that posting to a UK thread would be more appropriate as I’m looking for advice on surgeons in the UK. There are a about half a dozen cosmetic surgery clinics in Ireland, but I’d rather be guided by the experiences of people here.

I guess my story isn’t unlike a lot of your stories.

I was a skinny puppy until the age of four when I just seemed to ‘ballon out’ after a successful tonsillitis operation.

I remember being 8, and girl next door asking me why I had boobs and wasn’t it only girls that were supposed to have them. That was the start of the 27 year nightmare.

When I 24 I decided to go on a strict regime of diet and exercise. While I lost all my tummy fat, my chest fat remained more or less exactly as before. My new slimline waist and bigger pecs only served to exaggerate the problem, so I resolved to put the 2 stone I lost back on again ASAP. It was then that I realised they weren’t going to go away using conventional methods.

In the meantime, I’ve learnt all the tricks. Slightly slouching posture, always black clothes, XL tee-shirts under shirts, and at 35, all this black apparel must make me the oldest goth in town!

Professionally, I wear a suit and tie, which can disguise a lot, but I always get the usual office questions “its boiling in here, why don’t you take off your jacket?”, to which I have a pre-prepared range of humorous replies.

I have a fiancé, we plan to get married next year, and I feel after all my years of procrastinating, now I feel it’s time for action.

Money isn’t an issue. However, in the 90’s, most of the surgical options were in the states, which slightly scared me. What would happen if something went wrong? Etc etc. I’d be a long way from home (Ireland).

It reassured me greatly to hear that there are surgeons in the UK who can help. I believe Levick is the main man, I’m also hearing good things about Jan Stanek, are there any other surgeons I should consider? Again, money isn’t an option; I’d gladly swap my house after 27 years of hiding and suffering.

BTW I don’t believe I have gyne, just difficult areas of localised fat.

Besides the options for surgeons, the other question I’d like to ask is this. How realistic would it be of me to try and hide this type of operation from my family and gf? I know you’ll probably say I’m stupid and in complete denial, but I’d like to conceal any operation I get.

I realise that I’d have to be wearing pressure vests, etc, but in reality, would I be stupid to hide the fact I had the procedure? How much assistance would I need after the op?

Thirdly, is the op carried out under local or general aesthetic?

To be honest, I couldn’t give a stuff about scars (chicks dig scars!). I just want to go out and be able to wear a tee-shirt in confidence. Once my chest is sorted out, then I’ll lose the tummy with exercise.

Again, I feel like making this posting is taking the first step for me. It’s fantastic to find this forum and I think that you’re all fantastic and wish you all health and prosperity for the future.

Offline RRB

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Firstly, your girlfriend is going to notice a difference isnt she ? kinda pointless trying to hide it from her.  You wouldnt really need any assistance after the op, it would be handy to have some but you could get by alone.  THe op is carried out under general.

Good things are spoken of Levick, Stanek and Kardis. Read the boards and make an informed choice.  Go for a couple of consultations if you feel the need.  I personally went to see Levick and decided to use him straight away, that doesnt mean you have to though.  

Why wait till after the op to get rid of the tum ?  get training now while you are waiting on the op :)
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline serg

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Hello mate, welcome to the boards.

Indeed you story is familar, especially the clothes dilemma for me. Going shopping after op is one of the bets things I've ever expereinced.

If you think you've just got stuborn areas of fat with no gland that need removing then you'll just need lipo. I think this is called pseudo-gyne.

I'm pretty sure most ops will be done under general.

Set up some consultations with surgeons and see who you feel most comfortable and confident with and the go for it! Both Karidis and Stanek don't charge for consultations - not sure about Levick.  

As RPB says it's better to lose the tum sooner rather than later, as this will give a better result with the areas which need 'targeting' the most visible, and you'll feel better all round.

All the best mate, and keep us posted.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 12:33:53 AM by serg »

Offline Pferdestärken

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I know what you mean about AA - this is a sort of confessional/support group forum. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Your story does sound awful familiar! When I was 11 we moved house. I can painfully recall one of the removal men referring to me as "the young lady". Poor chap was almost as embarrassed as me - almost.

I went through the training, its still there, sod it bulk up cycle - nothing really removed the problem. Even at low measured bodyfat levels my chest was still there, just with more pronounced disc of gland around the nipple. I actually have quite a lot of pec muscle, and that is my easiest muscle group to grow, so I quickly learned to avoid heavy chest work and do lots of light reps to "sculpt" the area - some hope!

Good luck with however to decide to move forward - you've made the first step, don't let it slide any longer ...
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline irish_dude

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Well, I finally made an appointment to see Paul Levick for an initial consultation and booked my flight. Even just doing this gave me a great sense of relief. Hopefully all will go ok.

I so wish I had gotten around to doing this years ago. I remember back in 1994 a clinic opened up in Dublin. I made an appointment and dropped around one Saturday morning. The person who saw me admitted that she was just a ‘sales’ person and had no medical experience, after an initial chat, she looked me up and down and asked me what I wanted Liposuction for. As with all Gyne suffers, I had learnt the tricks of the trade and could hide things very well when clothed.

Alarm bells started to ring when I realised she was the only person staffing the clinic for that whole weekend and she the first point of contact for people looking for a initial consultation. I just didn’t get a good feeling about the whole thing.

I didn’t admit the Gyne problem to her, and I just felt very depressed that this was the standard of private care in my immediate vicinity. I looked at options in the States, but basically was quite scared about having to travel across the globe.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again, even if it does sound horribly American, you guys rock! I’ve been trawling through IT_100s diary here and it gives me great hope, his post-op pics look fantastic.

I really didn’t want to take any pre-op pics, but as a lot of people have said here, it’s important to ‘pay it forward’ and help others like us decide to take the surgical plunge. If Paul Levick gives me a course of surgical action, I’ll take some pre-op pics, which will be very, very painful for me, but hopefully it will inspire others.

The one thing that does scare me however is the General Anaesthetic. I’m a smoker, but I’ll quit temporarily at least three weeks before any operation and for at least 3 months after to aid the healing process. I had dental surgery a few years ago (a couple of implants) and I had to quit the cigs and go on the Arnica for that too.

As I said, I’ll follow IT_100’s example and post a detailed diary here.

Once again, thanks to everyone here for their direct and indirect support!

Offline UKChap

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Professionally, I wear a suit and tie, which can disguise a lot, but I always get the usual office questions “its boiling in here, why don’t you take off your jacket?”, to which I have a pre-prepared range of humorous replies.

I used to get that, too, and it used to annoy the heck out of me.  I just don't understand why people are so concerned with how hot or cold other people are.   Anyway, shouldn't they be working!?

Welcome to the board, btw.  And good luck.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 11:14:05 PM by UKChap »


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