Author Topic: Introduction and girlfriend question  (Read 3490 times)

Offline mcmurphy

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Hello all,

i have read through many posts on this (great) forum.  i only discovered it today.  i dont want to put a life story in, as by the sounds of it - everyone has a similar story.  its interesting to read other peoples experiences so i'll introduce myself.

31 yrs, London UK.
i remember someone saying i needed a bra at the aged of 8.
my case i think is middle of the road, heading towards the larger end in comparison to the pics ive seen.  however, everyone thinks there's is teriible i'm sure - its relative to how you feeli suppose.
ive just booked into to see a consultant in 2 weeks.

i have always known of what i have but only really started seeing the phrase recently and having researched into it - have a mixed feeling of relief and acceptance.

fed up of the usual hunch over slightly; choosing the right time to get out of bed if youve stayed with your girlfriend ; wind blowing against your t shirt etc etc.

a thought on the girlfriend note:

although the reason for me and im sure many others is to get the gyno sorted to feel comfortable doing normal things and not to look good in front of your girlfriend as such. (they wouldnt be worth being with if they look down on you for having it). i am wondering what peoples experience has been in telling their girlfriend and how they reacted.

specifically what i am thinking of is: a bit of 'puppy fat' in the chest area is probably what many a girlfriend think one has and perhaps think "get down the gym" however, if they were to think 'female breast tissue'  i wonder how off-putting that is before i say anything.

waffling email over.

good to be on a part of the crew.

: )

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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a thought on the girlfriend note:

specifically what i am thinking of is: a bit of 'puppy fat' in the chest area is probably what many a girlfriend think one has and perhaps think "get down the gym" however, if they were to think 'female breast tissue'  i wonder how off-putting that is before i say anything.

Sure, there will be some women who would be 'put-off' by the thought of 'female breast tissue' on a male. However, I'm sure there are many women out there that are very sympathetic towards the issue. If you are with a woman who is 'put-off' by a 'physical condition', then you need to put her to the curb my friend!

although the reason for me and im sure many others is to get the gyno sorted to feel comfortable doing normal things and not to look good in front of your girlfriend as such. (they wouldnt be worth being with if they look down on you for having it). i am wondering what peoples experience has been in telling their girlfriend and how they reacted.

When I told my wife that I had decided on GRS, she said that I was being 'compulsive'. Wanting this condition corrected after 31 years of living hell, is not what I call compulsive. However, in her defense, I never once discussed with her how this debilitating condition affected me psychologically. She just didn't know...  I never told anyone how Gynecomastia made me feel...

My wife, being the good woman that she is, gave me her full support before and after surgery. When she saw the 'before' and 'after' pics, she said... "You did have boobs!". I wonder why she couldn't see that prior to surgery? ???

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline mcmurphy

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ah - nice one grandpa for your time to reply etc.  yeah - i totally understand and agree with what you're saying.  i've only been seeing my girlfriend for a couple of months so awkward to bring up.  my previous girlfriend of 5 years i used to chat about it to, so i can understand what you mean. have had enough of it now.  going on  summer holiday in sept and unfortunately wont get the op before that, so will have to grin and bare it!

great to see so many success stories on here.  you sound similar to me in age and length of time etc.  i think 'the youth of today' are so fortunate to have the internet age at their fingertips.  the reason why people like us suffered with this for so long is that there was no information and just one of those things that  you have that no one else in your school class does.

part of me thinks sod it, im 31 now, have been through the twenties with it, why bother now... but im sure once its done there'll be many a situation (every day) where you think thank god i did it.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Part of me thinks sod it, im 31 now, have been through the twenties with it, why bother now... but im sure once its done there'll be many a situation (every day) where you think thank god i did it.

"Why bother now..."    Dude, no matter what age you are. If G bothers you, Git-R-Done. The world is a much different place when you are G-free...  ;)

I had surgery done at 41, and not once took my age into consideration. It was like... OMG, there's a 'fix' for this?  Where do I sign-up...  ;D



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