Author Topic: How long after surgery........?  (Read 15090 times)

Offline MSJ108

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Man I'm in the same boat, I really WANT THE FINAL RESULT!!! I'm working out really hard hoping my nips look good in 6 months time.

I got my fingers crossed for you brother. Keep us posted!

Offline cube

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Ok so it's been 3 months now exactly, I'm wondering if I should still wear the vest? Also the left seems to be healing much faster than the right, both are pretty puffy at this point I would say the same as before surgery. I'm convinced that the doc may have left too much gland on the right, but I guess it could be scar tissue. He recomended the massaging, not sure exactly how your supposed to do that, i guess just apply pressure. Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted and eventually put up 2 month post op and 6 months. Hope it looks good if not I'm getting it done again and dropping another 5 gs. Shit....

Offline april24th2007

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Hope you heal fast bro.  another 5 g's would suck.  I need a revision too.  But can't afford it.  life sucks.

Offline ITS TIME

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Hope your all healing well.  Its been a while since I first posted this thread.  On top of gyno surgery in July I had ACL/Carteledge surgery in January.  Anyway - the update on my gyno surgery is that I am pleased with some aspects and dissapointed in others.  There is only a slight reduction in the size of my nipples and my chest is not as flat or as contoured as I thought it was going to be. My gyno is better but I have scars around my nipples and from the drains.  I had a follow up appt. w/Dr. Delgado today and he recommended a secondary lift and skin excision and felt I would be pleased w/the results.  He is sending me a quote - I'm not optomistic about the price but we'll see.  Bottom line I still do not feel comfortable taking my shirt off in public.  Yes you can say that it is  insecurity and why should I care what people say and the real criteria for feeling good about my appearance is in my own head but I guess my criteria is skewed towards the superficial in this area.  Anyway positive healing vibes to all.


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