Author Topic: Gynecomastia and Thyroid???  (Read 13154 times)

Offline Badgene

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Im a 22 year old male who was suddenly diagnosed with an oversized thyroid. For anyone who does a bit of reasearch on would already see how this is somewhat odd? I need thoughts and opinions as to any possible links or what have you.

Because this is not normal. Young people arent suppose to get thyroid conditions. Ocasionally some guys do but most people who get them are elderly and women who are a bit older. In fact 80% of all thyroid afflicted people are in fact women. What do you think?

Something made this happen. It was either my own inheritent system or.... the fact that for a peroid of time I was taking certain medications. For severe depression I was taking 150mg of Effexor (nightmaredrug) for a few months and because I complained to my doc of severe social anxiety related to my gynecomastia she issued me a .05 dosage of risperdal (risperidone) another evil drug which i later found out is an Atypical antipsycotic given to people with schizophrenia (notme) although in low doeses its used to treat casual anxiety. I was very mad about this. They claim links with both of these drugs which I was taking at same time but its been several months since I stopped.

Something made this happen to me. I should mention im uninsured so your advice is probly the best advice I could get for now altough I will have to get my neck examined with some sort of radiation device so they can look at it eventually. Since I was on 2 meds I dont even know which one to blame or if its just my own phsyics that are messed up.... Something is wrong with me and I just cant get a break....
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 01:42:51 AM by Badgene »

Offline Angel_of_Death

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I'm not too familiar with Thyroid but I know my mom had/has it. Can you please describe me your symptoms for thyroid ? Does it have to do anything with hormonal imbalance ?

As for social anxiety caused by gynecomastia, I suspect many gyne sufferers have it including myself. I got surgery done almost 3 months ago, with perfect results and I am in excellent shape...but still mentally I'm not fully recovered, and it's mainly because of my social anxiety. After overcoming gynecomastia after suffering from it for so long, I realized that to have a successful happy life I'll need to overcome my SA and it's not going to be easy.

Medications is something I have considered, but after doing some research I realized it's really not worth it because of the side effects of the drugs will create other problems or make some things even worse. Therapy might be the best way to go as I've read it's possible to overcome SA with therapy and no prescribed medication.

As for thyroid, I sometimes have wondered if I have it. Besides the gynecomastia I've experience with loss of hair, have excessive hair on my body and have experienced alot of fatigue since I was a teen. Not sure if those could be signs, maybe you can enlighten me...?

Offline Badgene

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Well as for discription unfortuantly I have no chemical Data. They drew my blood a week ago in preperation for my coming gyne surgery. this Wednessday in fact!!! But they are faxing the results to my surgeon. I will have to ask him if he can read my chart and tell me. I hope he can view the results and tell me himself when I ask because it will be a month before I see my doc to get the month after checkup/thyroid ultrasound.that they check for that stuff. Basically I can feel it its like a 2nd adams apple sticking out which I only now notice. I didnt know what a thyroid was but its butterfly shaped and they say its right at the spot where you would wear a bo tie. You just need a doctor to feel your neck but they should be doing that regularly at your exams anyway.

Yes it can absolutly have to do with body harmonal inbalance. It can be caused by it but more importantly harmonal imbalances will happen as a result of a thyoid thingy because thyroid regulates everything and its not something to ignore.

Simple bloodwork apparently can check your thyoid related harmone levels if u ask them as well as an endricronologist. That may be your best bet short of a normal phsyical. I never had the pleasure of seeing one and I am off of insurence so im out on a boat.

Its a weird thing man. Apparently overactive/underactive thyroids can make you lose weight really fast or gain weight really fast. By speeding or slowing the metabolism. The thyroid can tell the liver what to do and how to process the fat. It can even effect how fast your wounds heal. speed it up slow it down. Thyroid effects everything it is a pivital crossroad of the body I am learning now. Thyroids can be severly effected by a lack of iodine in food so many third world people get it. In theory they suggest people living in America and places like that have lesser chance because of our good food supplies and our foods have lots of Iodine.

In truth they arent really sure what causes the majority of thyroid disorders so we are left with a process of elimination.

Your best course of action may be to schedule a normal phsyical tell your doctor and he will refer you to an endricronologist or set up bloodwork im sure. A few of your symptoms could be thyroid related like hair loss and fatigue, maybe hair growth but that could contradict the direction of harmone imbalance unless it fluctuates. tho im not a doctor we can still try to theorize. Its the age of information. The thyroid can do anything and everything to you but there are seriously so many causes for the things you describe so it could be anything... it could just be natural. Having a large ammount of hair on your body is not unhealthly nor unnatural unless its really excessive excessive excessive.

Are you diabetic or do you have needs for insulin? Possibilites are unfairly numerous for us. Tho I am far

When I was born they said I had a somewhat fleshy chest but my parents didnt take mind cuz I looked robust and healthy. I was destined to have gyne. It was apparent since I was 11. 22 is the first time I was questioned about my thryoid. I do know this has been the single most stressful year of my life prior to the thyroid discovery....

I think you need an endricronologist and so do I. But your doc can send u to one im sure. Its important not to get worked up but to take appropriate action.

For medication..... I think your making the right choice. If you already have the ability to question wether or not u should consider using medication then I believe the answer is most definitly NO. Please dont take medication for your mind if u dont need to its the worst thing in the world and you have to believe me. I needed help and they gave it to me in the form of medication and everyday I regret it. This might get a bit personal..... because i reached a pivital moment in my life where I was actively considering ending my own life. It was a long consideration but the time came when I felt I was closer then ever and I went to a Doc to ask him if he could provide me with an anti-anxiety to help me live with the gyne in the short term because I was rapidly deteroiating. I admitted to him that I felt like killing myself everyday. He said he couldnt help me as I needed counseling and psyche evaluation but I shook my head no so he begged me to sign a consent form letting him notify one of my parents (this was a year ago) of my state so I did and they convinced me to be brought to a local hospital where "I could talk to someone" which actually meant  I had spend a week in observation. When I realized this I tried to leave so I took my clothes back and got dressed. The Crisis counseler in the ER who was dealing with me told me that after coming to the hospital "we cant let you leave now you are here. If you try to leave security will stop you, if security cant stop you the police will bring you back here and we will have to send you to an actualy institution for you evaluation and you really dont want that this place is much nicer" It was pure bullieing. He ran off to notify security of a possibly dangerous individual about to go AWOL. Im a big guy and these guys were serious. I surrenderd to them without struggling. Im not irrational even if the world around me is. So they took me into the observation ward (regular hospital) and removed anything I could use to hang myself should I decide to try.

I was disheveled wearing old unfitting clothes my parents had to take out of my room and bring them down there for me. I was a mess phsyically and looked rediculous as I was in dire need of a haircut and my clothes were too small. so I spent most of my time hiding in my room lieing on the bed in depression. The nurses were scared of me. Like I said im a big guy. I found out accidently that they had a needle filled with Halidol on standby in case I decided to run amok or started choking a nurse but I believe this is common for all patients. They will stab u with a needle if u get out of line.

I dont like it when people look at me i am too self consious with my bad case of gyne and all so I avoided the rec room. Im used to social isolation anyway but not by choice. they observe me and say to eachother " this guy is insanely depressed and has a massive internal social anxiety so he could possible be mildly psychotic" which is not true but I am telling you this in the hopes that you learn about what happend to me and others and anyone who is unaware. This is all standard procedure stuff and this isnt the bad part yet...

They put me on 150Mg of Effexor. Its a heavy antidepressent Serrotonin Rebutake Inhibitor I believe they call it. That means its going to slosh the chemicals in your head around. Its a horrifiying drug. I swear to you its poison I know from personal experiance and if u look on the web there is massive public outcry of victimized indivduals yelling out in the dark (internet) now Im one. I will tell you why....

Day 2 - naturally the shot of heated drugs in my head made me feel slightly less depressed but I was still self consious and not coming out of my room so they gave me "something for my anxiety". They dont actually tell you really what these drugs are. They assume your incapable of deciding yourself if your in there. Respidol. They give it to kids who have uncontrollable tantrums or random mood shifts, and is the main drug for childhood schizophrenia!!! This is what they gave me (in low dose)!! Also adults with schizophrenia take 1-2 mg or more of the stuff but minor ammounts are handed to people with smaller anxiety.

I begged them to release me seeing as how Im not insurred. They grudgingly gave me a form I could sign which mandated that they hold me no longer then the next 72 hours at which point they would have to make a legal decision whether to release me or have "screeners" come to give my a checklist exam then hall me to an actual "institution" better equipped at keeping you against your will. It was a threat. They made it very apparent this is what would happen. It was a threat and my situation hopless. I stared at the paper thinking for several hours and also showed to my parents who visted me. They wanted me out too. I handed the paper back to the nurses station.....blank....unsigned.... They werent going to release a potentionally suicidal person. Not in America the lawsuit capital of the world. Afterword I was released I was stuck with a $10,000 bill (not joking) I had to apply to Charity Care (being uninsured) and they actually covered it for me minus a few hundred for my doctors bills. small light in the world

Natually a few days later on Effexor (while still in Observation) and then after respidol I seemed like a changed person I was Zen like a monk(the respidol) and the nurses where very happy to see me hanging out in the rec room and smiling. I thought I got the help I needed. Being in the ward was like a bad dream and it wasnt untill I got back to my life I could see how the meds were actually affecting me. The respidol was evil. It voided out my emotions the only one I had left was anger. A scary form of anger. I felt like if they upped my dosages a bit it literalyl COULD be a monk thats how zapped out I was. Naturally this makes your kids not temper tantrum because it literally obliterates their minds and puts them under a docile control. I know this makes me sound paranoid but it literally is a form of mind control. The med doesnt change how you feel it changes your ability to feel and starves your mind. I was so angry while on it. Also its HORRIFYINGLY bad for you phsyically. They didnt tell me that it causes people to get diabetes, eat more(I couldnt stop), gain weight, it heavily increases your prolactin levels which among other things does...guess what... makes your boobs grow!!!!!!!!! Average men who take this stuff for a few years on end find that they are LACTATING and they have devoloped breast buds. They become HIGH RISK for diabetic and insulin needing. If you eat lots of bad sweets and sodas while taking this drug for a long time you WILL be DIABETIC. This particular drug took away any form of enjoyment I had. Especially sexually. While on the medication I looked at some nudies of some hotgirls like I ALWAYS like to do and the girls photos couldnt even give me a hard on!!!!! It was like watching a Picasso painting. I had to forcemyelf to do it and I didnt even enjoy it. Turns out the drug has massive sexual side effects. It can cause erectile dysfunction ( not what happend to me but..) ejaculation disorders such as premature ejaculation (ironically) and retrograde ejaculation (the semen flows backwards into your bladder and can cause infection) a few others like loss of orgasm pleasure and most obviously a terrible lack of Sex Drive (Libido). Thats what happend to me my Libido was OBLITERATED and I was and am ANGRY ANGRY. I was on .05 it was a TINY ammount.

At the same time im on effexor to. The antidepressent. Its very harsh on your organs as well as your BRAIN. This one in partucular is a nasty motherf...... People all over complain of brain shocks. Your brain gets zapped like a minie seziure and sends a horrible shock down your spine and possibly limbs. This happened to me too but only minor. It felt like the back of my brain was squezed or squished by someone and it felt like a minie seizure and I felt blacking out like I was going to pass out and die but it all ends in about 3-4 seconds sometimes more sometimes less. Leaving you wondering "wtf was that?" Apparently many other people experiance it worse.

Coming off the drug is a nightmare. I swear its litearlly like coming off a hard drug because it IS. all people say its like coming off of heroin or something. I missed one day of my effexor and all day long I was dizzy nausious, wanted to vomit, my head was killing me, my stomach hurt, I was getting brainzaps, I felt like dieing. I was horrified. Coming off of the drugs feels the same way. These arent M&Ms folks. Aside from liver failure and severe addiction plus the possibiltiy that this can actually cause you to be manic because it F's with the chemicals in your head. They are currently and activly researching these things all the while these drugs are still pushed on the market. Criminal.

Aside from those problems guess what the biggest problem this drug does for you? Sexual Dysfunction!!!!! It causes erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders such as premature ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation a few others like loss of orgasm pleasure and most obviously a terrible lack of Sex Drive (Libido). Sound familiar??? Its the Same sh-- the other drug does to you. In fact they are starting recomend giving this to people with chronic premature ejaculation too because of its known decrease of sex drive.

They're called Anti-depressents, this one is an SSRI a very common(like prozac) very strong one. Not all antidepressents are the same but all A"Ds will cause you a form of sexual problems (in my opinion) most commonly loss of Libido which is the leading most common one. Doctors consider this a non serious side effect and probly wont even tell you. I personally believe this happens to more peolple then we are prepared to believe. I believe a vast majority of people are unaware of the fact that this happening or in fact causing it. Because of the differences in sexes I suspect massive ammounts of women face a certain libido loss do to various medications that effect their spouses and relationships only they are just not activly aware of whats happening. Antideppressents are designed to lower your sex drive. All the mind altering drugs are destined to give you some form of Harmonal or sexual difficulties.

These drugs made me want to kill myself all over again. This time it was worse. Before I was frustrated lonley and wanted to get surgery so I could move on and get a girlfriend and possibly even find happiness but now the thought makes me more depressed because its been months since I stopped taking both of these meds and my Libido has NOT returned to what it was when I started meds. I just wanted to not be lonely anymore but now the drugs robbed me of that desire itself feeling like there is nothing left I want in this world...on top of all my other problems. I feel that I have been raped by the drugs.

Trivial, in the 50s they theorized that by the 90's most americans would be on some form of drug mind control. Today we are approaching near 50percent of people will be on Antideprressents and even a higer percentege will at least try them once. I would like to note that I was once on Prozac but didnt report any sexual problems and when I went off I was fine apparently. But this time it didnt work out. They say depression can heavily effect sex drive but I was sucidal and my sex drive was always intensly strong, my lonlienss and desire to be with someone was a leading main contributor to my depression now I have even bigger fish to fry because i put my faith in the hands of doctors who put their faith in the hands of the pharmecutacal industry which is in it for the money and wildely corrupted and involved in politics. I see this as crime on a national scale for the companies know exactly what these things can do to people.

Writing all this out for everyone to see is a bit humilating but Im doing it in the hopes that it may help, enlighten or educate anyone. Also venting does feel good.  Just because they give you a script and tell you you will be alright these are REAL DRUGS and they are DANGEROUS and truely little is known about them. Perhaps it affected me so bad because I took both at once but everyday I am trying to cope with myself and live another month. But this very week I get my gyne surgery. I hope that in time my personal drive will return and I will once again have that desire that I have been lacking. I was always very very attracted to women and activley desire to be with them. Sometimes I got in trouble once or twice after a girl at work noticed me checking her out too much I just love women so much. This was when I was suicidal. Since the meds I have hard time finding anyone attractive. I recognize beauty but I dont crave it anymore and it makes me feel hopelss more then ever. I want to go back in time and never take these drugs i could of worked it out on my own and gotten surgery like I needed but I F'd up and now ask myself and god what have I done to myself, what have they done to me. All these drugs have massive Class action lawsuits mobilizing across the internet as we speak.

Stay away from things like antidepressents, anti anxieties in all their forms and anything you take for your head. Be weary of all drugs but try not to dwell on possible side effects because that can effect you too. I dont mean to scare you or anyone off of trusting meds completly. If your in that bad of condition, if you cant leave your bed or your house from depression, if its effecting your relationship to the point of possible termination or have an actual mental condition like schiz or bipolar or phsyical one then you may consider these things. But you have to trust and believe in me when I tell you that YOU yourself are stronger than any of these things and medicines. Stick to the therapy if you can. You are stronger and are capable of putting YOUR mind to anything. Dont let them take it away from you no matter how tempting it may be. If you have a girl, if you have love, soon you will have family. hold that because it means everything and its all that matters. Dont let them mess with your head, dont let them drug you and take away who you are. Someome I know lost his job and started freaking out because he had a family so they gave him PAXIL.... he ended up with Erectile dysfunction it was a direct result.

12 months ago I was fine. I was phsyically examined by my private doc then phsyical examed all the way when admitted to the hosptial.

 A few months of being on these meds and I saw a doc this week and now something is suddenly now wrong with my thryoid....... I am lost in the dark. The sick thing is at my worst moments I had often prayed to the lord at night asking him to strike me with cancer so I could die with dignity without the embarresment of killing myself and I was dead serious. I hope god doesnt have a sick sense of humor.

I hope any of this helps anyone. so does anyone else know about thyroid stuff? Im running out of cash this surgery is expensive.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 01:59:16 AM by Badgene »

Offline Angel_of_Death

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Thanks for sharing your story man!

I'm really sorry you had to go trough all that. You basically confirmed the doubts I had about getting prescribed drugs to fight the anxiety, and with the research I had done I read about similar side effects to the ones you described including the sexual dis functions and the weight gain.

Again, thanks for sharing your story and I really hope things will get better for you.


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my friend, i think you have Pituitary Cancer which causes a secondary disease called "Cushing's disease" (do not panic). this disease can be mistaken for depression. the pituitary gland controls other glands in the body like the thyroid gland so if one gets sick the others gets sick as well... Do you often have headaches or vision problems? if so, this might be a sign of a tumour pushing against your optic nerve. more likely than not it's "benign" if you have it so it's not something that will spread to other parts of the brain but it can still cause a whole bunch of problems for your body since it's a hormone produsing gland though I'm not a doctor... all i did was check a site called wrongdiagnosis dot com. If you fix your pituitary problems, your man boobs might dissapear (especially if your not fat) and your depression will probably dissapear too (IF you have pituitary cancer..)

if you want free health care you can go to some countries in Europe and they will treat you for free, even if your not a citizen (Cuba has an amazing health care system and i think they treat anyone for free too... or so i have heard, but that might be a problem if you live it the US)

[become a Canadian! we have free health care!]

and just hang in there buddy and try and stay away from those antidepressants, your doctors probably are dumb-asses if they prescribe anti depressants and they don't know what they're doing. all they are is tranquilizers and they just end up making people worse off than what they were before they went on them. in fact most people who take anti depressants don't need them at all. most people just see ads on TV like, "do you sometimes feel sad?... then you have depression. our drug is a miracle drug that will fix all your problems so buy now," and think "i need that!". in reality, everyone gets sad every now and then, even if you feel alone in those feelings, your not. drug companies advertise their anti depressants on TV because they are only allowed to patent a drug for (i think) 4-5 years before other companies can start using the same chemical under a different name, and so the name of the game for them is to make as much money as possible before the patent runs out, not to help people.

things to try (they may take a while to kick in and may work best in combination):

  • STOP CONSUMMING DAIRY PRODUCTS! estrogens found in cow milk account for 60-80% of all injested hormones from foods in the typical human diet. hormones are the comand signals of the body. the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (located just above the p.g.) are responsible for pretty much all hormonal secretions in the body, injesting extra hormones may off set the balence of both, plus we are not exactly baby cows now are we? or you don't see grown adults drinking human breast milk do you? (yuck!)... a friend of mine who is thinner than me has huge moobs and he eats cheese wedge sandwiches everyday and does not eat vegtables. I personally gave up dairy products about a week ago and my moobs shrunk to half their original size.

    [1] don't let salt be the main flavor in your food, most salts are enhanced with potassium iodide (another salt) and this effects the thyroid gland directly; too little iodine = depression, laziness, weight gain. too much iodine can have exactly the same effects (it's a balance you need)

    [2] stay away from starches and beef, your body stores starches in the body and it digests slowly over time (beware of "low fat", 500+ calorie bags of evil rice chips! they make people very fat very quickly). believe it or not, your liver actually stores all those starchy sugars so that your body doesn't have to burn fat for energy, thus, fat builds up on areas near the liver (belly and boobs)or at least i think thats how it works. you were designed to survive, not necessarily to look good in a swim suit, lol.

    beef can stay in your body for a good week and a half because the body has a hard time breaking down all of the complex proteins into simpler building blocks that the body can use for tissues and energy. if you have a bunch of beef in your belly, you will most likely get a big gut, and with big guts comes big boobs (true for both men and women). when women get pregnant, their boobs get bigger so I'm guessing hormones get released as the direct result of getting a gut (though this is not true with everyone). so why does this happen with men?... look up the reason for why men have nipples, it's actually very interesting :). also, just think about all of the growth and fertillity hormones farmers inject into their cows daily (to grow them faster and produce more milk)... beef = boobs

    [3] make a plan of eating only poultry, fish, and even lamb for your meats and eat lots of vegtables. most vegtables have the property of getting rid of estrogen rich environments that cause men to become more feminine (= more breat tissue). vegtables have AMAZING chemicals found within that promote AMAZING health (your mom was right when she told you to eat your vegtables) ...and they promote weight loss too!

    more fiber in diet = less man boobs

    think color. if it has strong color, it's great for you. and when you eat apples, eat the seeds too (vitamin B17, goggle it!)

    google "cancer fighting vegetables"

    **[4] mushrooms are nasty in my opinion but they have an amazing ability to block an enzyme that turns male hormones (androgen) into female hormones (estrogen) which is why breast cancer researchers are taking a close look at mushrooms. cancer thrives in estrogen rich environments after all.

    plastics, plastics, plastics... get rid of them from your food sources! plastics contain plastisizers that imitate the female hormone estrogen. this disrupts your endocrine system and causes both breast and testicular cancer (= more man boobs), even at VERY small concentrations. it's also the reason (in my opinion) why so many men are so girly now a days and why little girls develop breasts and hips at very early ages. because the chemicals imitate estrogen, the body gets all mixed up and starts puberty before the real hormones have a chance to play their roles in normal development.

    don't believe me? look up the dangers of BPA (or Bisphenol A) and there are other ones too.

    if you like earl Grey tea, stop drinking it. although it is amazing, that nice smell comes from bergamot orange oil which is an old wicca remedy for making men infertile which probably = more man boobs (or at least a higher voice)

    if you use shampoos and/or facial creams and/or dish soaps, make sure they contain no lavender or "tea tree oils". these chemicals both cause significant breast enlargement and are readily absorbed through the skin.

    if you brush your teeth like a mad man, stop using so much tooth paste (you guessed it, more endocrine disrupting chemicals found within) but don't stop brushing your teeth. once a day is fine.

    avoid soy, it has estrogenic properties

    [5] if you drink diet pop or use sugar substitutes (fake sugars, "sweet n' low", or "diet sugars"), stop. aspartame causes brain tumours in lab rats which probably means it does the same for humans. when ingested, about 10% of aspartame is converted into methanol and once the methanol is in the body, enzymes in your lower intestine oxidize it to turn it into formaldehyde.  Formaldehyde is a well known and proven carcinogen and it is also used as embalming fluid.

    [6] have a glass of (real) grape juice (2/3 grape juice, 1/3 water) half an hour before every meal. it sounds weird to take in more calories with your meal right? well the funny thing is i just started trying this out recently and after every meal i get completely full, not stuffed, but satisfied. before, i would not be satisfied and i would keep eating until finally it hit me and i was stuffed every single meal or i would just end up snaking after wards. the grape juice provides your body with energy that does not promote weight gain and as a result you feel satisfied with your meals and you eat less calories that make you fatter.

    also, red grape juice (and wine) is amazing for you. if your depressed, drink red grape juice, it makes you feel great and it's great for you. the same goes for dark chocolate and maybe even cups of tea and coffee if you're like me,  ;D.

    [7] stop masterbating (if you do), although it's an easy thing to do, it's not natural and messes with your head leaving you feeling alone and depressed. testicular tramma as the result of MB'ing can lower testosterone production and increase etrogen production significantly considering that the testies are the primary organs for creating most of your body's testosterone.

    [8] lower your blood pressure, this is very important for getting ridd of the boobs. if you blood pressure is normal than your glands in your body will function normally unless a toxin is present. if toxins are present (maybe from too much drinking or smoking weed/sigs), good foods like vegitables can reverse the effects, especially if you quit drinking and smoking. also, believe it or not, getting a massage every now and then will promote blood flow in your body and this is great for your kidneys (the blood cleaners of your body).

    [9] exercise: "a man moves a mountain by first carrying away small stones"

    [10] and finally, pray. always remember, "for His sake you were created" and that God loves you. He put you on this earth for a reason and we all have our roles to play in this life...

    when Steven hawkings was struck with his terrible disease, he didn't give up, instead he ended up becoming a famous scientist who revolutionized the world of modern physics (or at least came up with a really cool theory about black holes). He even admits that he has been greatly blessed because of his illness.

    also, another example: when i was a kid i use to be really fat and everyone hated me because of the way i looked. after seeing that it was no easy task to lose the weight, i searched for happiness in other ways that the world couldn't offer me, until one day i finally came to believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as my lord and saviour. it's becuase i had a misrible childhood that i am most richly blessed today.

    when your feeling down, just pick up a bible sometime and prayerfully read segments from the new testament, i always find that helps a lot, and no matter what happens just realize that it's not the end of the world if you have "moobs". it's actually very common now a days, espesially if your a chubby person like me. everyone has their flaws and no one is perfect.

    hope this helps!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 11:44:33 PM by moomaster »


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