Author Topic: Curious if I have gyno.. need your help.  (Read 5205 times)

Offline ballavinh

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Brief history about me.. I was fat until 7th grade then I decided to something about it. Lost weight by not eating soo much and eliminating junk. I then turned into a skinny-fat body type. I've been a 3 sport varsity athlete and very athletic throughout highschool. I'm playing college basketball currently. I just recently graduated and im currently 17 yrs old, 6' 4" 230lbs. Been seriously lifting the past 6 months. Trying to gain muscle then cut weight to hopefully remove the embarassing chest. I never take my shirt off unless forced too. i always try to make my nipples hard by pinching them or whatever cause then it looks normal. I'm now thinkin i might have gyno but before talking to a doctor i would love your guys advice!

Is this just chest fat or gyno? I'm worried because when i was skinny fat i still had fat around my nipples at a lower body fat even. Please help!

When I was fat.. (6th grade)

Skinny-fat (9th grade)


Offline RyanMace

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Looks like puffy nipples to me. Very minor indeed.

Offline ballavinh

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no surgery needed then? you think it'll fill out better with added muscle then trimming down some body fat?

Offline Gcp

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I think that even if it doesnt fill out and you gain 50 pounds youd still look like you have a normal chest. I'd trade chests with you any day. Your chest looks good .5/1 out of 10 imo.

Offline scballersc

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Bulk up and then re-evaluate.  Don't jump to any conclusions, but don't rule out surgery if YOU aren't comfortable.  I did that, and while gyno forced me to start working out and eating clean four years ago, I killed myself for way to long dealing with the sh*t.  Im calling to schedule the surgery tomorrow because after bulking, cutting, bulking, cutting...(while much improved) my chest is still problematic.

And remember the chest deal is absolute and not relative to other sufferers. Some have worse, others have better, but if you are uncomfortable with your chest (and have gyne) don't opt out of surgery just because someone else with a more severe case tells you they would die for your chest.

Offline ballavinh

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thanks a lot for the replies i appreciate it! i plan to just bulk up then cut and hope it goes away some. if it still feels very uncomfortable ill be seeing a doctor but thats a close to last option.

Offline kingboob

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I think your chest looks pretty good right there... maybe a slight 'puffy nipple' issue, but if I were you I would keep doing with the fitness before you consider any more invasive options.

I'm 6ft 5.5 at roughly 280...... lost about 238lbs already over the last few years but I would like to get down to about your weight / size eventually, I would be thrilled if my chest ever looks that natural.

Offline ellington7

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Dude listen to me, and listen to me have gyne, and the only thing that's gonna make this thing right is surgery.  What makes me and Im sure you sick about your case is that your chest would look great if it weren't for your nips when relaxed.  You did an outstanding job of getting in shape as your 6th to 9th grade pics are absolutely amazing, but I m sure you've noticed that even as you've exercised and changed your eating habits that your chest still keeps you from wearing t shirts or even having the ability like gyneless guys to go shirtless right?  well, your problem is what your trying to talk yourself out from having, and hopefully you'll not listen to the post before mine which have tried to complement you and have ignored the truth. Have the damn surgery!!!  Im so passionate about   This thing because it took away my teenage years, and my 20's, with only now at age 29 do have the opportunity on aug 18th to potentially fix it with surgery.  I know how it feels to have what could be considered an "inbetween chest" where it looks muscular and fit when cold, only to have nips that grow like pinnocchios noise when warm.  I know about the sitting a certain way to hide it or the classic adjusting your shirt around people.  I know about the thick coat moments in the summer, and the beachless days when all the pretty women are bouncing and jiggling on the coast. I know about the times where you settle for the ugly girl because you feel like the fine one will dig you intially then see your chest and change her tune.  I know about friends asking you why don't you take your coat off, and the nagging think fast abilities you've been forced to develop because of it.  I know how difficult it is to walk towards people when you've become fed up and mustered up enough courage to wear only a light shirt, or how when in the same situation your wearing a light shirt and it gets windy.  Dude, I can go on forever, but I think you get the point...have the surgery and be done with it for goddness sake...

Offline Spleen

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You're still pretty young so there is some chance it might go away but...

I had a very similar case and mine didn't go away on its own.  The last pic shows what's up.  Probably some gland under the areola.  You're lean enough that excision might do the job.  You don't have the worst case in the world, nothing I'd be embarrassed about.  Still I was largely in the same boat and I felt like surgery just made me look a lot better. 

Offline Copespo

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yea you gave gyne, seems like its mostly gland...dont think by lifting weight and bulking up that its going to go away, in fact you could make it look worse since you develop muscle under the gyne that makes it stick out even more. Only way to fix it is with surgery.
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline baseballguy

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hey, I have been in almost the same exact situation as you. Fat kid until end of middle school....then thinned out and played a lot of sports, and always had a minor problem with the puffy wierd looking nipples. I just want to say that it all depends on how much it bothers you. It bothered me quite a bit so i had surgery and I am really happy with the results. Surgery for you should be a piece of cake, tho i'm not a surgen. Anyway, just do what you feel is right for you and good luck with basketball.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You have a mild case of gyne -- some breast tissue and a puffy nipple deformity.  No amount of working out or dieting will be helpful.  You basically have two choices -- live with it as it is or do something about it, which would entail surgery.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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