Author Topic: Gynecomastia and your Fingers  (Read 34876 times)

Offline Badgene

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I kept looking but I could not find the option to make a poll so plz respond with a post......

Many speculate gynecomastia can be caused/determined while inside the womb. Many things are determined inside the womb. For example the length ratio of your fingers vs other fingers on your hand.

They say this is deterimined when you are still in the womb. I've had gynecomastia my whole life, I am certain that was determined when I was in the womb too.

My ring finger certainly seems longer then my index finger and is definitly more profound, I often wished I could switch them. My index being a bit shorter and pointier its almost kinda girly. I do have a small weight problem but instead of having chubby like fingers my hands are nice and slender which I attribute to maybe my Irish genes even tho im half italian.

Do any of you fellows with gynecomastia have this finger ratio too? please specify

Start with:

A.Yes my index seems at least somewhat shorter or lesser then my ring finger.
B. Nope my index finger is dominant of the ring finger
C. hmm I cant really tell for sure

and you can detail your account too. Sorry for the lack of poll I cant seem to find it anywhere.

I guess Im the only one  ???
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 02:22:31 PM by Badgene »

Offline Paa_Paw

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My answer is A.

I also have small hands for a man and narrow feet. My shoe size is a 9 B/C or 9 Narrow. Narrow shoes are hard to find and expensive when you do find them. I have found that a Plain oxford or loafer without trim in the womens shoes works just fine. Hiking boots are no problem and if you look, not all the athletic shoes are pink or covered with flowers.So I wear a womens size 10 shoe and spend only 30% of what the specialty shoe stores would charge for men's narrow. I haven't had a pair of man's shoes in years, but by picking them carefully, no one would notice.
Grandpa Dan

Offline The_G0rn

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I kept looking but I could not find the option to make a poll so plz respond with a post......

Many speculate gynecomastia can be caused/determined while inside the womb. Many things are determined inside the womb. For example the length ratio of your fingers vs other fingers on your hand.

They say this is deterimined when you are still in the womb. I've had gynecomastia my whole life, I am certain that was determined when I was in the womb too.

My ring finger certainly seems longer then my index finger and is definitly more profound, I often wished I could switch them. My index being a bit shorter and pointier its almost kinda girly. I do have a small weight problem but instead of having chubby like fingers my hands are nice and slender which I attribute to maybe my Irish genes even tho im half italian.

Do any of you fellows with gynecomastia have this finger ratio too? please specify

Start with:

A.Yes my index seems at least somewhat shorter or lesser then my ring finger.
B. Nope my index finger is dominant of the ring finger
C. hmm I cant really tell for sure

and you can detail your account too. Sorry for the lack of poll I cant seem to find it anywhere.

I guess Im the only one  ???

The finger ratio you have is the most common for the topic, there is a lot of information on it.
As for gyno and finger ratios...unknown
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline meegle

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Offline zueltree

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ur so right man i got long  skinny fingers and my rng finger is longer than my index, i am also about 40 percent irish!!!

Offline gamble38

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  I have gyne and I have extremely small hands...

Offline iki4life

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A-ring finger is larger than index finger

wow this is kinda wierd

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I kept looking but I could not find the option to make a poll so plz respond with a post....and you can detail your account too. Sorry for the lack of poll I cant seem to find it anywhere.

You have to ask management to 'initiate' a poll...  It shouldn't be that way though... Members should be able to start a poll without asking 'permission'...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Interesting poll...  ;)

My ring finger is 'shorter' than my index and have smallish hands/wrists. Both 'baby' fingers are bent, as if they have been broken and healed at an angle... ???

For those of you that have ring fingers that are longer than your index finger, could you plz post some pics... Not that i disbelieve you guys.... it would just be interesting to see.... I've never seen that before....



Offline Creative12

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it depends on with side you look from. When i look with my nails facing towards me then my ring finger is longer but when i have my palm facing towards me then my index is longer, lol, why?

Offline mrpower33

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I have read about this, but I think these things are just loosely correlated.  But I don't think it really has a whole lot of predictive power about anything, just so none of you freak out.  It has to do testosterone during pre-natal development.  This probably doesn't apply to most people here, as the reason many of us developed gyne was hormonal imbalance during puberty.  The link you would be looking for would be whether this pre-natal hormonal imbalance would lead to another hormonal imbalance sometime later in life.  I don't think any of these studies purport to make that jump from one to the other. 

Here's an interesting article:

Offline haisook

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This is really irrelevant, but here's my answer:
My index finger is very slightly shorter than my ring finger (they're almost equal in size and length).

I also have small physical features. Small head, small hands, and feet. My female cousin once held my hand and teased me saying, "is this a man's hand?!". I didn't know what to say. I was in my teens at the time.

But still I see no relation between having small physical features and having gyne. My uncle is way shorter and smaller than I am. His hands are smaller than mine, but he doesn't have the condition.

I'd just forget all about this.
I'm a medical student with gynecomastia. Yeah, medical professionals get it too.

Offline Bman41

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A, my ring finger is around 1/4" longer than my index finger on left hand and around 1/8-3/16" longer on my right.

Offline Revelation

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To OP,

You are wrong,

You are talking about 2D:4D and took it completely out of context,
The science behind 2D:4D is to test your Testosterone levels.

A high testosterone level, indicates aggressivness, fertility, athletism.

"Digit ratio (2D:4D) is a sexually dimorphic trait. Men have relatively shorter index fingers (2D) compared to ring fingers (4D) than women. Evidence suggests that more masculine ratios are influenced by higher prenatal testosterone levels. Testosterone and aggression are related and accordingly evidence suggests that male 2D:4D is related to physical aggression [Bailey and Hurd, 2005] and female 2D:4D is related to reactive aggression [Benderlioglu and Nelson, 2004]."  Source

The more your digit ratio is closer to 0.90 the more aggressive, fertile, strong you are. This is especially obvious among athletes (sprinters/weight lifters/Wrestler).

So, Ring finger should be bigger than the index finger in males, it is said that if the ratio is closer to 1.00, the more feminine you are, in appearance and behavior, which is proven by mass surveys conducted in recent years.

But this has nothing to do with gynecomastia, at all!
How do i know this? I have a ratio of 0.9358 on my right hand and 0.9375 on my left hand.
I have almost all the traits that indicates high testosterone levels, but guess what? I still have those damn fukin glands attached to my body!!!!

My conclusion is that at some point during puberty, the great influx of both testosterone and estrogen got messed up badly, add to that being a chubby kid (The more fat you are the higher your estrogen levels) caused an imbalance that caused the damn gynecomastia!!!

My advice to all gyne sufferer, lose the fat if you are fat (I am pretty sure most of you are [90%+]) first, before any surgery, and I mean get completely ripped (below 10%) and assess your situation from there.

P.S: also don't forget to eat food that increase your testosterone levels naturally. Also if you can add Tribulus Terestris(I'm ordering mine soon), it would be great.


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