Hello all I am 16 currently 5'5 around 145 lbs, turning 17 next month on the 14th. I have always wondered why I had bigger breasts then everyone else. It never really occured to me that it was gyne, I always thought it was just fat. But I've been working out quite a bit lately, lifting weights and alot of basketball play and cardio, trying to slim down and lower my bf%. Reading everyone's stories seem to have been making me more and more depressed lately. I've always had a great personality, I still do, but now knowing that I probably do have gyne makes me very very depressed. I see my local GP on the 24th, because I have had a shoulder problem for a long time now.. But now I am also going to ask him about gyne and see what he can do for me. Last time I checked my bf% was pretty high, so I don't know if my "breasts" are because of fat or gyne really. But looking at all the pictures and then looking at me, it really does seem like gyne and when upon feeling it, it's sort of tender with a little bit of hard spots. I think it's very minor but I still want to lower my bf% to see if it's really bad. Right now, even though surgery may be an option, I nor my parents probably don't have the money to go through with it, we also do not have any medical insurance, it's too expensive my mom says. Not to mention of all the stories of people not satisfied with their operation. I read about "Rebound XT" which at my age would not be an option or what i've read about would not be a good option, so that made me feel really hopeless. I'm at the end of the ropes here, I know what my GP will say, that it will go away and blah this and blah that. But in reality I know i'll probably be stuck with this the rest of my highschool life and life in general. It is very overwhelming emotionallty and mentally. I've just been set in the right mood to get very fit, but i think about what the point is with having gyne. It feels like my whole life has just collapsed, it truely does. I spent all last night and this morning reading endless stories of people's gyne and seen many pictures. From the side view my nippe tends to point out a bit, not really dramatically though and from a front view my breasts seem a little rounded at the bottom and sides, rather then squared on the sides or bottom. It feels like there is no hope for me, I'm pretty sure I'm well pass the puberty stage so there is not that big of a chance of it just "going away". I'm really in the gutter here guys and I wish there was something I could do.. I've thought about just working out alot building alot of lean muscle and lowering bf%. Will this help it, or make it worse? What's worse is that this girl i know she's VERY skinny, not grotesquely skinny but skinny and I really like her and i'm pretty sure she has feelings for me also, but i'm very underconfident now and im scared to get close. Why, Why does this have to happen to me. When I was younger I ate really crappy and was pretty chubby, but now i've been eating VERY healthy and have lost alot of weight. I was 165+ at the beginning of last year, now i am 145. When you lose weight, does that mean you lose bf%?
I would like to apologize for this post being VERY disorganized, but I am very frantic and paranoid at the moment. This read would have been alot easier if I was more calm and sane.