The real questions are.....
If you never take your shirt off.... then why does it matter if you have a tan face and white chest? Since no one see's you without your shirt anyway how does that matter to begin with? Isn't having a non tanned torso the least of your worries then? Who besides a sex partner is going to see you then? You're worried about not having a tan chest?? say wha? I'm confused....
I think a number of guys here could only wish they had a tanning situation to work on.
Another question is.... if you're white... why do you want to be tan? If you're not white and you are already dark skinned.... why do you want to be tanner?? its not necessary.Your skin is perfectly fine no matter what color it is. I see this all the time.... Like one of my buddies who is already born dark skinned hispanic... but he goes tanning!!!!!!!!! He does the spa thing with the beds...... you see what I'm saying?
You guys and girls are friggin NUTZ with this tanning crap... its pointless!! Do you know what your skin is going to look like with you turn 37?

?? Wrinkled Rumproast LEATHER..... You guys are crazy!!!!!! poisoning yourselves with frigging tanning beds!!! Dude! your killing your skin/age/looks all at once. Tho some can handle it with restraint, most people end up overdoing themselves in.
I'm not trying to bust your chops but I see people in my work day ALL the time and I can LOOK at a women (or man) but women especially and say to myself..."wow look at her arms and face and legs...... I can tell she spent a lot of her youth tanning it she's all crocodile"..... they look hideous, the arms especially around the biceps start to look like wrinkled paper bags left under the summer sun...their cheeks and face get all prune and wrinkly like a damn meth addicts....
My bud and I spot them all the time. we refer to them as prune faces. You can easily spot a tanning addict once she hits her mid or later 30's.
If you're tan you dont need to tan. If you're not tan who cares just go to the beach or pool or something if you really want it but dont put your skin into tan therapy. Lying under the sun or lamp roasting yourselves....yeah sure the babes look real hot when their in the 20's but damn dude haven't you seen them when their older? Middle age comes for all but some quicker then others.........
I went to a party a while back and a large crew of girls came over... they were all playing TWISTER in the guys living room. Wearing short clothes and all I remember watching them and seeing how they all looked red like lobsters(head to toe). This is because they had all come from a tanning spa earlier that morning.... they wanted to look nice at the party so the tanned it up earlier and all of them especially the whiter European girls just looked like red roasted lobsters after a day of that tanning..... which they paid for... completely foolish of them they have no idea what they are doing or how silly they look..... but they thought they looked hot... it was noticeable to everyone. Maybe guys can handle it easier then girls, I don't know.
What about a person who works outside? Surely they've got some tan mismatch going on but I doubt any partner will turn them down over it. Just go to the beach, go swimming, or cut the lawn with your shirt off.... thats all you need to do.... if you cant do those things with your shirt off then why are you tanning your chest to begin with? I'm just trying to get you to live longer thats all.