
What type of garment do you wear normally/the most to ether hide and or enhance?

gynecomastia vest
2 (15.4%)
compression shirt
4 (30.8%)
3 (23.1%)
sports bras
1 (7.7%)
other typical bras
3 (23.1%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: September 12, 2008, 12:48:21 AM

Author Topic: The garment question.  (Read 45998 times)

Offline Athena12@

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ABWG I agree with 95% of what you said. Our only difference is that I don't wear tankinis to the beach since I don't go there any more.  I have a LBB that I wore once mowing he back yard and caught hell from the wife for it,  Now I just wear it on the back deck or did.  To cold for that now.  I don't even go out there anymore with a cup of coffee and a book. Which is one of my favorite thing to do. It is my quite time , just for me.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.


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The cold weather has come early up here in Mini-soda too, yesterday I got to use my new ATV to plow my drive and my daughter and son in law are moving just 2 blocks from us so I'm driving over to do theirs too! So I got theirs done before they backed the uhaul in to unload.

Its only 24 above here so you can wear 3 bras if you want and no one will see them with your winter coat on!

The good thing about this early cold is the lakes should freeze early and make for early ice fishing!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 08:36:07 PM by hammer »

Offline Athena12@

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God lick on you ice fishing and I hope you have a hut to put out there,  It is not that cold here but I is trying to get there, today's high is suppose to be in the 40s,  I know that you would call it nice but down here in SE VA it is cold to us.  And yes today I am wearing an undershirt over my bra to keep warm.  I haven't warn one since around March or April.  but I do like the idea of wearing three bras to keep warm but I don't think I could manage it.


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I like to fish every season, winter and summer! In my little boat, from a dock, or shore a fishing pond or even a big lake and that's what makes mini- soda great is all the lakes for fishing in the summer and the frozen ones in the winter! Speaking of winter, we use a nice warm fishing house to sit in to do our fishing when it is cold outside!
Then of course there are all the woods, state forest for camping and hunting too!
What makes Mimi-soda bad is there are too many liberals!

As for your neck of the woods Chief, remember that I lived in Norfolk for almost 4 years! 1st stationed at Littlecreek, then Norfolk Naval base!

Offline Athena12@

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Hammer then you know what a pain it is to go fresh water fishing around here and if you don't own a boat (which unfortunately I don't own do to my traveling so much in and out of the navy) you are screwed around here and hunting is almost out of the question down here unless you know a farmer 200 miles west of where I am.  And can get his permission to hunt on his land.  Now if you live on the north west side of the state thing are better.  But I don't want to move out there at this time.  I am having my master bat remodeled and then the bed room floor redone in engineer hard wood after I replace the bed and night stands.  so I have a lot on my plate.  Hell even our local pond where they stock trout is to warm for them to do it and it is November.  I have seen a lot of boats for sale around here but I have to much going on in the house to even give it a thought.


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I was lucky and had a neighbor that was a car dealer that had a 26 foot cabin cruiser and would fish for blues in the  Chesapeake Bay, and I would go with him when I was home.

I lived real close to the Little Creek Base and there was a great fishing place between there and VA beach. I would rent a boat from base services and go to that fishing hole with my best friend when we could!

As far as hunting, I never went while there, not that I didn't get the chance, as I did get an invitation to from a 1st class master at arms that I worked with while on temporary duty once, however the deer down there are to darn small! I would have felt like I was shooting my dog, lol.

But, ya that is what I'm talking about! We are blessed up here as for the lake and woods!

Offline Athena12@

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Yea, I know what you mean about the deer here.  They are really small by our standards.  While growing up my Dad was stationed in Colorado and Utah and the deer their are three times as big.  Only got to go hunting once while I was in Utah on leave and all I got was cold.  

Offline Alchemist

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I often go nude or semi nude in the house and at the club.  In public I wear whatever shirt is appropriate for the weather. I learned how to be comfortable from 50 below to 108 above. I have a good bunch of flannel plaid shirts for cold weather and short sleeve cotton button shirts, t-shirts of soft comfortable cotton in hot weather, polo shirts.  My major fashion crime is wearing padded white athletic socks with my Teva sandals and normal shorts, not oversized and falling off Bermuda length.

Offline blad

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Be honest how do you manage your gynecomastia?
Just like most girls do, I wear a bra to control my breasts. That is what a bra was made for. I like to breath so I can't imagine going around with some compression garment.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Johndoe1

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Be honest how do you manage your gynecomastia?

My gynecomastia started in my teen years and I didn't manage my gynecomastia. It happened and I went along with it. I let the girls do what they wanted to do and that brought a lot of ridicule from both sexes in general and physical pain during certain activities. I had no self-esteem or body image and my health suffered as I ballooned up in weight and I found the added weight help hide my chest. That also put me on a fast track to hypertension and pre-diabetes and high cholesterol. After many, many years of being overweight, I was forced to loose the weight or severely compromise my health. After loosing the weight, I found the girls were even larger than before and more female like in shape and appearance and now had no firmness or self support and needed support like a woman's breast. I reluctantly began wearing sports bras but found them to be uncomfortable for extended all day wear so I eventually switched to regular underwire bras which I wear everyday for the comfort, support and containment. This has also given me unexpected confidence in my appearance since I now control what my chest looks like through the style of bra I wear, like women do. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I wear a bra to stop the bounce and swaying! My wife and daughters tell me I look better with one on because they are less noticeable too! I don't like tight stuff but  I've noticed that with my big weight loss it isnt bothering me as much! I haven't gone without a bra for along time since I've been dropping weight so much! My band size is going down but the cup size isnt so the breast still  always  arrive first at our destinations, lol.

Offline Johndoe1

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My band size is going down but the cup size isnt so the breast still  always  arrive first at our destinations, lol.

Yep. That's me too!


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I have the same issue.  I lost 40 lbs and a band size. My cup volume remained the same. My own sister lost 40 lbs and 2 cup sizes. How is that fair?

Offline Johndoe1

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I have the same issue.  I lost 40 lbs and a band size. My cup volume remained the same. My own sister lost 40 lbs and 2 cup sizes. How is that fair?
We have more glandular tissue than fat than women? Or maybe since the fat is distributed differently on a male body, we don't lose it the same way? As funny as it sounds, I hate to lose cup volume. I have had the girls for so long, I wouldn't know how to act without them. They have been a part of me and who I am for so long, it would feel like I lost an arm or something and I am just now to the point of fully accepting them after so many years of denying them and finally have learned how to live successfully with them. That and all the money I have spent on bras! :D 

Offline Athena12@

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I have been losing a pound  month for the last year but it has not affected my band size or cup size. My doctor says that with the edications I am on I should be gaining weight but I am not and he has no idea why.


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