Author Topic: 1 week post op left side still swollen  (Read 3092 times)

Offline ellington7

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I had bilaterial exceesion + lypo chest surgery on the 18th and I'm just as swollen on the left side as I was on day 1 post op.  I can't tell about my nips yet because there still taped up, but it looks like the right side is good, but the left looks like I have a breast implant.  After 2 days I had the drains taken out, and from that time the bleeding has stopped, the incession opening is closed, and there is no fluid sound when I move or touch it like I've heard many others claimed they had in similar cases, so I'm just really scared right now.  I called my nurse and she told me not to worry, but doesn't being swollen for too long stunt the healing process? I'm just really f in scared right now that the swelling won't go down and that my surgery was for nothing.....I need advice

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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You need to call your plastic surgeon as soon as his/her office opens and tell him what's going on.  What did he say when your drains were removed, since one side was bigger at that time?  Be sure he knows you're still uneven, and ask how soon he can see you.

Dr. Pope, M.D.
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline ellington7

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Im going to see him today, but Im a little scared that he won't answer me.  I thought doctors were suppose to care about there patients, but whenever I express some concern or even ask a question it seems like he gets adjatated.  It's almost like he's indirectly telling me to leave him alone.  I don't know how to handle this situation, but I know something has to be done because like you said, my chest is greatly uneven, and I need help.  Do you know what could possibly be the problem?  I mean, the swollen area is soft an can be pushed in with poking, so an internal bleeding thing couldn't be the problem right?  Could this just be normal swelling?

Please respond when you can
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 03:28:11 AM by ellington7 »

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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It could just be normal swelling, but you're usually even on right and left sides if it's only swelling.  Maybe he gets agitated because you sound like you're accusing him.  Maybe you're not, but just ask him in a reasonable tone if he thinks there is anything wrong with that side.  Does he think that both sides are healing the same way, and if not, why?

Ask him if massaging the chest will help.

Good luck-

Dr. Pope, M.D.

Offline ellington7

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Offline ellington7

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