gynecomastia occurs when the balance of androgens to estrogens is poor.
It's Just like a set of scales with each androgen and estrogen having differing wieghts.
Below are just a couple of examples of how gynecomastia can occur;
high testosterone, high or high normal estradiol- usually a situation relating to steroid abuse.
Normal testosterone high normal shbg and combined high normal estradiol- as Eugene Shippen M.D endocrinologist has explained this can occur due to a metabolic form of hypogonadism.
High normal testosterone, high normal estradiol, as can occur on testosterone replacement therapy when not correctly medicated.
normal testosterone high estrone as can occur in testicular cancers.
Low testosterone, normal level estrogens as can occur in hypogonadism.
The above is very, very basic and is intended just to illustarae the fact that it is a balance/ratios.
dihydrotestosterone is a potent androgen and whilst it does indeed lower testosterone via gonadatrophin suppression, it is a potent anti gyencomastia androgen in its own right and weighs heavily on the side of androgens that prevent gynecomastia. Also in lowering testosterone, it lowers estradiol as their is less testosterone that can be aromataized/converted into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone unlike testosterone can not be converted into estradiol.
Dihydrotestosterone has been shown to work even in those whose gynecomastia is not in the development/proliferation phase, but the majority of successes will take place in people in the development/proliferation phase. In such people dihydrotestosterone help "weigh in" pardon the pun and like a big brother in a fight, crack some heads and sort the problem out.
dihydrotestosterone is no replacement for hormone pathology, because if an individual has an underlying problem, Andractim would only be a short term fix at best. The importance of hormone pathology cannot be overstressed.
This stuff should be used under the guidance of a qualified endocrinologist or at the very least under the guidance of a doctor with an active interest in this area.
After coming off Andractim the individuals hormones will return to similar levels as prior to treatment within two months.